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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Boys just wanna have fun

Social platforms are by simple concept a distraction from your real life issues which help you socialize with others you would be unable to under different circumstances, but people being complex, fun is never alone and some drama will be entertained for a number of reasons, Sometimes however, you will be the target of some who simply cannot get away from the shadow your ass produces.

This also applies to real life, it can be that you have nicer hair, a faster car, a nicer family, a killer body, a successful business, any excuse is valid to make you the target or even try to replicate anything that you have going and which they think can do best -and by consequence getting you out of the picture-.

When it comes to SL clubs, much like those businesses in RL, the ones that stand the test of time are those who follow an original formula and which stick to a simple set of rules which make people want to work there and patrons feel at ease -to have fun in the simplest of concepts-.

Sadly, the fun concept doesn't seem to quite sink in, but bear in mind that people already have enough issues on their day to day to add on top of that the ones you gratuitously create on a virtual platform, no matter how much money you have invested in the business. One of my bests hosts and staff manager in our SL club -and a good one if I may add- had the bad idea to join the ranks of a person whose idea of a venue seems to revolve around copying what others do, making the club look like the others he has visited, to later make staff responsible through bullying, of his own inability to keep a fun and attractive club functioning.

With that in mind, and not wanting to name names, I'll simply add a word of advice: more bears are attracted to a single spot with honey than with vinegar, specially if they have to be under the sun...

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