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Saturday, December 3, 2011


What is exactly a fag hag and how are they essential to gay men? What role do they play in our lives? Whether it is SL or RL we all have at least one, that very close girlfriend we go to with our relationships issues or go on very expensive -and not so often- shopping sprees when we are in a “Sex and the city” kind of mood.
Like gay men, “fag hags” have often been stereotyped as strong confident women, who are open and comfortable with their sexuality and surround themselves of gay men, as it is assumed in most cases that they are either openly or secretly, romantically attracted to them and see them as a convenient substitute for straight men.
But is this true? what brings a woman and a gay man together in a somewhat tight relationship?, the keyword here is safety. Both can approach each other, separating romance from intimacy, hence developing a very enriching  relationship without the sexual tension. What happens when one of them finds a solid relationship to focus on, with all of the ingredients present?; in some cases the relationship slowly fades into acquaintances or distant friends, sometimes and depending on how it ends, not even that.
In my own personal experience, my RL next door neighbor is a woman that fits the above description: a divorcee who I have known and called a friend for a while and not until recently, I have come to call more than just a friend. She’s the first person I always run to with my SL or RL issues -yes, she’s THAT informed-, the one I watch chick flicks with and if it comes to it, give relationship advice. My life would not truly be the same without her and yes, I agree that it is safe. Why does she find comfort in me and her other gay friends? because there’s no risk involved and she is aware -as we were discussing earlier today-, that like the title of that movie with Madonna, such a bond truly is “The next best thing



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