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Friday, December 9, 2011

Nicolas Sarkozy... Not ready to make nice

Cameron has vetoed an essential key EU treaty, so it's not surprising that Nikolas Sarkosy  makes every possible effort to even acknowledge Cameron is there, and let's not mention the fact that The Brits and the French's disliking of each other is historical and somewhat cultural, but one would expect that despite the differences and respective interests, these two would act like reasonable adults -or pretend they are at least, for the cameras-

Apparently even that has proven too difficult, after the French leader gave Cameron the cold shoulder (or le battre froid) after a long night of intense negotiation.
The act, dubbed 'le snub' by The Daily Mail and some other newspapers, saw the French leader refuse to look at Cameron, turning with a haughty shuffle and avoiding his outstretched hand.
Cameron's veto blocked a crucial EU treaty designed to deal with the eurozone crisis. The treaty is now likely to be abandoned, but the 17 eurozone countries will continue to negotiate a separate stability pact and nine of the 10 EU members not in the single currency have chosen to endorse that process.
The UK will be the only EU member left outside the deal -not the first time this happens though, they also refused to use the Euro-, the Council of Europe has indicated, despite earlier suggestions that Sweden, Hungary and the Czech Republic would not take part.
Nicky, whatever gets your point across and makes you happy... c'est la vie!

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