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Monday, December 5, 2011

Anti-Bullying Bill 13, Accepting Schools Act, 2011 passed in Canada

Bullying is a crime, and the fact that is not regarded as such or contemplated in law -until now at least in Canada- is a mistake that needs to be fixed, since when a victim of bullying reaches a point where or she takes their own life as a result of this, the words uttered are the weapon used and the criminal remains unpunished, as there is no real law or course of action to address this issue.

But the Canadian Government has decided, after the suicide of Jamie Hubley; son of Allan Hubley, an Ottawa city councillor, to amend its laws and fix this. Now finally, the Ontario government’s planned anti-bullying legislation, the Accepting Schools Act, will mandate consequences — beyond mere suspension — for bullying. The Conservatives want rules for reporting and investigating, plus remedial treatment for bullies, not just a pointless suspension. In some cases, the bully will have to be expelled just to keep victims safe. 

Education is key, and bullies most of the time see suspension as a reward more than a punishment. Social networks and cyber-bullying are the new way of doing this. Pushing and shoving kids at school just don't have the same effect anymore, words spread on social networks such as facebook, twitter and so on do more harm, so even if the Act is enabled, how will this bullying be policed?

Improving education at schools on gay rights and sexual preferences from an early age, without it becoming controversial would bring normalcy to it, something that has been already done in school systems such as Sweden's for the past 30 years.

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