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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Happy thanks…what?

As an American expatriate, I have come both to be nostalgic about the whole celebration and to witness how, in some countries, the knowledge of it existing and what it basically consists of being there, but of people generally not having a wide comprehension or idea of what it is really about.
This has made me wonder, do we REALLY know as Americans, what Thanksgiving is all about? Is it a commemoration to mark an historical event, when settlers and Indians -now Native Americans- gathered to celebrate a peaceful yet brief alliance? or is it merely our habit as a culture of looking back in retrospect and being thankful for all the things the past year has given us?
In my opinion I think is a little of both. Thanksgiving is about being with your family and loved ones and the simple act of thanks once a year, I believe it’s something most cultures should create a habit of doing -not with thanksgiving per-se, that would be ridiculous but with something very similar-
Culturally speaking, our family was quite diverse, our father made a huge effort that we would be proud to have Spanish roots, and would profit of every occasion to boast on how wonderful being Spanish was and how he felt for those who weren’t, while we were bombarded daily with the cultural baggage that consisted of being Americans. Second life is no different, even if the platform itself is a Utopian universe of several countries and cultures coexisting somewhat peacefully, u witness how it miraculously it goes dead once a year once thanksgiving arrives -not even Christmas or New Years Eve holds that power over Second life venues-
So I’ll end this being thankful for all second life and real life has put in my path -good and bad-, because it all has gotten me to this point.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our readers, American or not, and thanks for reading me every day.



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