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Saturday, December 3, 2011


When my son approached me nonchalantly with the possibility of him posing for nude pictures, I could not help but squirm a bit; I should be more open minded, but him posing as a pin-up is certainly not one of my goals as a proud parent, so after a lot of considering I decided to go through the whole process of posing for erotica, to better help me understand the process and what people get out of actually doing it in second life, with the help ofVice Poses and the artistic eye of the very talented Finn Millar
The first thing you do is think of a theme for the set and go through the quite ample collection of poses -I counted about 200- both Spencer and Finn have in their studio. Spencer Ronzales is the talent behind the poses. “Spencer makes the poses from stuff we both find on the internet and then they are tweaked” Finn pointed out. When you and the photographer have come up with a theme and a number of poses you are both happy with, then is time for the actual photo shoot.
Finn and the whole team behind Vice poses are usually quite busy so this could happen after a number of days when a date and an appropriate location is set. The whole process -in my own personal experience- takes about 2 hours, as soon as you arrive, Finn already has a clear idea which pose is going to be used for what and where -we used 4 poses, 2 of them shown in this article-, so all the model is left to do is look pretty so he can work his magic. Considering you are pretty much in the buff he strives to make you feel at ease at all times with random chit chat -and the occasional sexual innuendo-
If you want to have a further look to what poses they have and the marvelous work they do, click the link above and have a look at their in-world shop, you can also have a look at their Flickr page, where most of their work is postedThe whole experience is definitely one I recommend everyone who is curious or wondering if they should; Sadly right after this article is published, Vice Poses will no longer be accepting any more commissions, as they will be cooperating with Virtual Props & Posesowned by Mykala Klossovsky, so they will be strictly working on developing and creating poses -those which make you look this good-



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