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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The growth SPURT

Something I have always strived to achieve as a person, whether this is second life or real life -makes no difference to me, it is still me behind the keyboard- is to serve as an example by remaining true to myself and making sure that both my actions and words match, so I don't go contradicting myself.

Second life has had from its inception, a very unrealistic canon when it comes to height, but most people comply to it even tho noob avatars -at least the old ones- do come in realistic human sized standards; so it makes one wonder who started the titan trend of adults being 7 or 8 feet tall. When I log in and being a father of two, I make every possible effort to keep an open mind and to not judge anyone by what is THEIR CHOICE OF LOOKS, as long as it complies with TOS and they are certified as adults, you are free to roam any adult sim as you see fit -adults playing children have PG sims to reenact their childhood safely-; the thing about SIM owners though is that where some have very specific rules to the type of people they want around and the ones they don't, there are places newly famous and trafficked -for now, things do change in second life- that leave their rules unclear, but not unclear enough so they can grab onto them and use them whenever they see fit, hence benefiting a chosen few and bullying others, submitting them to unfair discrimination; this being the case of Spurts Beach, a somewhat popular place among gay male recently.

One of my good friends had the poor judgement of visiting this place this morning and got approached by one of their "lifeguards", who, and I quote: "and you were looking like 14 or 15 for me and ya know, also yur friend R***** says you are looking like 14" -he even asked for a second opinion wow!-, when I read his facebook status complaining about this, I decided to put this to the test and see for myself, so I got there made a snapshot of the rules -no specific height mentioned, just loosely thrown there "no child avis" to comply of course with TOS and avoid further issues with Linden Labs-; after having done this I proceeded to move there where the crowds and this very friendly lifeguard was protecting the virtue of the titans and overly muscular from the horrid menace that is, slightly shorter people. I was wearing my slightly shorter avatar -even way shorter than my friend I may add- and in good 30 minutes, not once I was approached by any staff to ask me to leave -guess I am not ejecting material-, after contacting the lifeguard who claimed he had not seen me -I spent good 15 minutes not 3 feet away from him- and getting bored with his prattle I decided to approach one of the owners who happened to be online.

Atlas Hammerer, while polite at all times kept contradicting himself with rules that him and the rest of the owners obviously agreed upon, but which are sly and unclear and do leave room in fact for double standards. At first he did not remember who my friend was but when I indicated he had frequented his beach for a good number of months without any previous issues, which was something I found odd, he suddenly remembered "I have noticed him myself"

Sorry people at Spurts, but me and a number of other people who choose to look a certain way, measure a certain height, while complying with TOS will be avoiding Spurts beach from now on -second life is very big and places come and go-. Discrimination is bad, no matter under what context or excuse... so are wytch hunts; the horrible thing here is that only a few not friends of whomever or not famous or influential enough, simply don't get asked to leave, no matter how short and childlike they look.

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At February 14, 2012 at 1:23 PM , Blogger Sora Bluebird said...

Very good material spike, its good that someone finally is having the balls to report this situacion. Abunch of people have reported this situacion and nothing was done about it, the Lifesaver himself said the doesnt care about gossip neither the image that its beeing provided about the place. So you They cannont complain about this article after his statment.


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