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Sunday, March 11, 2012

I got the POWER

What is power? what gives or takes power and why do people in Second life thirst and look for it as if their lives depended on it?; power can be defined as the ability to shape, form and decide on people's lives and their future.

With so many responsibility implied on such task, one wonders why is it so alluring, I guess it could be the fact that most people use second life to compensate on those things they lack, and power does have some erotica involved on it.

Over the last 24 hours, I have been exposed to all sorts of funny power trips coming at me from the strangest sources -and even some very predictable ones- but I think the one worth highlighting would be a guy who recently hosted for me and god knows why, decided to take upon himself the pro-bono duties of staff management -I already have people doing that but oh well-, so I get to the club, notices are not being sent, contest board has not been set-up and to top it all he's verbally abusing people on staff chat.

What got into him I'll always ask myself, but I did the reasonable thing, apologized on staff chat, and did the hosting until I could get a replacement while he was at the club. Fine line here, focus on the job you have been hired to do and WHEN you have spare time and feel that you have valuable input that could make staff management work better, address the appropriate people in private.

Then there are the club owners who have a few "special" people that have achieved the status of untouchable and feel it is their call to get involved in staff romance-drama, while sacrificing good valuable staff that will not come back to your club for the afore mentioned issues. One thing I have never done -and have been accused of being heartless and impassive- is getting involved in drama among staff, that does not DIRECTLY involved work as a whole.

I guess some people just have the need of showing how big their muscle is, but personally, I'll stick to what I'm doing and how I'm doing it, seems to be going well so far.

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