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Sunday, December 25, 2011

TAKE ME! Shopping

I had a discussion on this very topic last night during my Xmas Eve celebrations with a friend who is being pestered by a person who is expecting sex any time soon -asking quite bluntly for it in fact- and who is not exactly spiking any interest other than amusement.

The thing is that my friend does not want to close the "potential sex buddy" door, just in case... so chat continues as he is strung along for days and days and chat, text messages and negotiations on a sex encounter that may never happen, get steamier.

So I suggested, shopping. This person gets told off on a daily basis and he just won't quit on his efforts to get laid, so I figured some shopping and a nice day out for the both of them might do him well; you want a piece of me so bad? prove it by showing me a good time for a few days before I get naked and on all fours.

Is this ethical? isn't it prostitution on some level? perhaps, but if you want a person so bad, that you put all your efforts and free time, using all means of communication possible in order to get sex, -one night of wild meaningless sex- the person you are trying to talk into it and who doesn't find you to be all that but is willing to keep you around just in case, should see you put your money where your mouth is and at least get something out of it, before you climax and poof into the random sex group partners that never call back.

One of my friends did this and was shown a good time for a few weeks, got some nice things out of it and yes, after two or three sex encounters, the guy never called back, but overall it was not a total loss.

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