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Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Sex Evolution

As you get old and your sex experience improves, so does you general intercourse protocol. When you are a teenager is all about doing it, doing it often and doing it all the time, same applies to when you are on your twenties but your a bit more experienced so you go from doing it like bunnies to actually have a taste on who you interact with, there's the added factor however of getting to the point when you've tried it all before your bits get flabby - a very common fear among the gay community who have the general opinion that 30 and upwards is the end of fabulousness-

But then as you grow older and more experienced, sex gets to new levels of complexity, the things that turned you on and you fantasized about in the past lose their glitter and shine and achieving orgasm at all cost is no longer the one goal that drives your sex life -which does help improve your overall intercourse-.

Time in second life moves differently tho, a bit faster than that of real life -no real explanation but evolution and personal growth varies slightly and you do move quicker through personal experiences and growth, something I have pointed out in earlier posts- and surprisingly, so does you second life sex experience.

When you log in for the first time and you learn you can have sex if you snatch the right parts, is all about getting some of that and as much as you can, but then as you get deeper into the experience -I believe it was the first thing I went around looking for, but not something I am after as a main goal in second life lately- you learn there are so many options out there to improve the experience and which does indeed make a difference.

Like the old saying goes: "Is not about the destination but the road traveled", simply put is not all about cumming but how you get there...

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At December 15, 2011 at 8:11 PM , Blogger degrandm said...

that is so true im in my 50tys and sexs is stell great and some times better

At December 22, 2011 at 3:38 AM , Blogger Spike Clémenceau-Silent said...

I agree! Sex does get better with time and experience


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