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Thursday, March 15, 2012


Assume, as defined by Websters dictionary, is the action of taking something for granted or true; most of the time people in Second Life get into all sorts of troubles for interpreting the information they are given and making it an absolute truth by filling in the blanks.

But how effective is assuming when it comes to socializing? Can you deduct and discover the truth with random bits of information streamed into a logical chain of events? not likely, most of the time, the obvious is only obvious to you and you have simply put your own personal input into foreign data so it makes sense in your head.

You can assume your children are straight before they even start dating, but that doesn't mean they are or going to be; there are many places prone to assumptions in or SL and our daily lives that we have tiptoe carefully around, since turning half truths into the absolute truth can -most of the time- lead to disaster.

My father always said that assuming was basically thinking for others and that he had enough work doing all the thinking for himself, so he never bothered assuming "It's more practical to just wait and ask bluntly when you get the chance" he'd often say.

Remember, when you assume, you make an ass of you and me.

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