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Friday, March 16, 2012

Second Life: The boat is sinking! is it?

Ever since Mark Kingdon left his job as Linden Lab's CEO sometime around 2010, there have been numerous voices that claim to predict the company's demise in the not so distant future. We all have to consider that Second Life had a good number of years on the spotlight until that exposure gradually faded away, and all of the signs for assuming that they are going through a period of financial strife are there.

Then Rod Humble took over and started to slowly change things around, and suddenly -for better or worse- over this year the company, which had been under a thick shroud of invisibility, is being talked about and discussed all over the internet. True, long time users like myself who log in everyday and produce the 75 million $ a year the company profits from have suffered the effects of such changes, but simply put, in the business world, if a product is not innovated, improved or changed on occasion -more so if it's computer based- it is the kiss of death, as your competitors more likely will come and do it first and get you and your company, out of the picture.

There are a lot of changes coming to Second life, hopefully one of them will be the slow adapting process -and deform capabilities we're all hoping for- of mesh, direct delivery on marketplace coming sometime this month, adapting of TPV policies (third party viewers not developed by Linden Labs), which I am sure simply aim to get all developers and content creators on the same creative path, which I hope, is where Humble is planning to take us all.

I don't see Linden Labs or Second life going anywhere in the near future, as long as there are users that log in everyday, in-world venues that produce profit and a stable market towards which thousands turn to produce an extra income during these difficult financial times, there will still be grounds to keep the virtual reality we all love and have come to call home, to log into. 

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