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Saturday, December 3, 2011


When you are a shop owner and if you are in the fashion industry, sometimes the easiest and quickest way to get a decent looking model that will create the minimal amount of troubles when posing for vendor pics or attending a fashion event, is creating an alternate account and simply making him / her from scratch to your liking.
And it does work; You log them when you need them, you can turn them around make them pose for hours and they will never make any insane demands or make you wait because they are “busy” elsewhere. “Legion” is one of my most public ALTS and not one I have ever used for vendor pics until very recently -this is because I have him busy doing other things-.
There are numerous people in the LGTB community however, that have ALTS for far less industrious intents, which is frankly fine by me, but what is one to do when trying to start a relationship with a person in SL? How can you be absolutely sure that the person you ARE dating is in fact not an ALT of someone already dating a person on another account?
The cold hard fact is that you truly can’t be sure. It is all based on trust, you trust the person you are dating and believe everything they say to be the truth. In RL we are deprived of the advantage we have in this simulator we call second life of being a completely different person and at times, people abuse this. I dated this guy in SL a while back and one day he simply disappeared a midst of what I considered to be “marital bliss”, he told me he had RL issues, elaborated on those briefly, we even tried to work out ways to keep in touch outside SL but those never worked well either; at some point I got bored of waiting for him and decided to move on, only to find out he had miraculously solved his issues and had moved in -in second life- with one of his best friends. To this day I am still convinced he was, or had been alting the entire time, but just didn’t have it in him to end it with me.
The fine line is, people need to stop regarding second life as a “game” and realize that there are people behind every avatar, people that have feelings and that should not -and MUST not- be toyed with. If your sole intent for second life is recreational sex, don’t start a relationship with a person, stick to random sex.



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