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Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Our collective has always been the one -overall- which has been the most attacked, either mentally and physically and there are many out there, thousands of voices that cannot be silenced, which speak out and seek to educate and inform the younger generations about how wonderful it is to be diverse and different, and how these things which fall outside the norm is what makes us who we are.

But having taken this semi-forced online hiatus due to my RL move, has not only given me a chance to entertain long postponed leisure activities such as swimming or enjoying a nice book while bathed by a warm summer breeze -sounds amazing uh?-, it has also provided me time to think about topics such as this one.

Does bullying stop after highschool? Do we stop being victims or victimizing others at some point of our lives? As we approached adulthood it either seems to lose its importance or effect on us, but due to our human nature we will always be the victim or the bully at a given time or situation. But when we're adults bullying doesn't necessarily seem so, life is hard we simply add.

More so in secondlife and other social platforms, where people sometimes simply take advantage of the pseudonims and annonimity to profit from specific situations and/or people. I must admit I was -luckily- never the target or victim of bullies, I was too busy studying but I have faced situations in secondlife sadly, which have either hurt me or my loved ones by the hands of a bully who we trusted.

So before speaking out and voicing our discontent on the matter, let's reflect on our actions and see if things we've said or done ever hurt someone... Sometimes all it takes is some quiet reflection and the appropriate apology, some of our victims might not even be aware that they were. Preach by example as the old saying advices.

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