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Friday, May 18, 2012

Love is a two-way street

It being RL or SL, whose line seems to fade at times for some couples the secret to a long lasting relationship is reciprocity, this being the act of giving and taking, the minute the giving becomes a one sided habit, it is then time to rethink your position on the whole thing.

Parenting, couples and all forms of partnerships in SL that require more than one person and involve feelings are a complex thing, because the feelings are there and most of the time are quite strong but SL relationships no matter the nature that started them are limited by the lack of physical proximity, a touch, his smell, a number of things real couples take for granted but those SL based do not enjoy and have to find work-arounds on.

I have always noticed how people rush into getting married in SL as if it was the most normal thing in the world, and sometimes this marriage vow and ceremony don't seem to be taken as seriously as they should, avatars or not, there are people behind them and these people have feelings.

I've always stood by the belief that vows are to be taken seriously and that "for better or for worse" really does mean that, that is until your own personal or mental well being is at stake, that is when you have to take a few steps back and let things unfold and take the path life will lead them to.

As far as Second Life is concerned, do keep a few things in mind when dealing with the platform: keep it real, keep it fun and keep it simple, real life is complicated enough as it is.

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