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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

38 K

This term, when googled refers to money, a gun and K-Pop -Korean pop that is, which happens to have a larger following than most people think- but judging by the picture, you can pretty much guess what the title and the topic today revolves around.

Money in my opinion is a necessary evil, it's true that it won't bring you happiness, but try to live without it and see how happy you end up being; the issue begins when people start associating it with success or power, something that I've seen happen in SL a little too often lately.

There was a close friend I'll choose to leave anonymous, who confessed to me that he had been grieved by all sorts of drama during his first year in the platform, until he turned things around and became "Mr. Money Bags", basically going from party to party throwing money away, at that very moment and as soon as word got around, he stopped being grieved and was suddenly welcome and liked by everyone; is this happiness? is he really "loved" by everyone now? Does he really have any friends?, I'd dare say he doesn't, because I am willing to bet that as soon as he stops pissing money, things will go back to their starting point.

Then there are the Deejays in Second life, that after some smart networking, become somewhat popular by having built a following and decide to start making monetary demands -a certain amount per set on top of tips for example- which I have never, as a club owner have humored in the slightest, Deejaying for me in Second life is about sharing the music with others, I enjoy it and it makes me happy that people come to my sets and have a good time, if tipping happens then it's more than welcome, but it is surely not my driving force.

Why 38 K? -you may still be asking yourselves-, yesterday I was contacted by someone who, somewhere along the road of his Second Life, decided to become a Deejay; now the thing about DJs is that setting yourself up and finding somewhere to play is incredibly easy and accessible to pretty much anyone willing and able, being good at it, that's a whole different story.

He claimed that he could make 38 k Linden in 4 hours because he was just that awesome, I won't name names but Damien baby -ooops I guess I just did-, not even Madonna and her Virtual Tour can make nearly 40 K in 4 hours. Here's an advice to all aspiring DJs out there, having the tools doesn't make you a DJ; it's not about pulling a playlist together and hoping to make money out of it, it's all about entertainment, something that some, like my very misled DJ D can't seem to be able to do -and no, this isn't me being me, I have never been to his sets, this is mere hearsay-

If you are going to try a professional sector in Second life, make sure that you are doing it for the right reasons, i.e because you enjoy it and think that others will find enjoyment in what you are doing, because in SL, the minute you turn your hobby into a money making machine, that's when you lose that shine and glitter that brings crowds to what you are doing.

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