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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Stand 4 love

"Each one of us has the right to liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness. Everyone has the right to love and be loved in return. GAY, LESBIAN, STRAIGHT, TRANSGENDERED or BISEXUAL…..Sexual Orientation or Race shouldn’t Matter. The FREEDOM to LOVE is fundamental as the FREEDOM to BREATHE. Two adults should have the right to love without discrimination and intolerance. Marriage should be available to any loving couple. Let’s end hatred and discrimination now. Stand UP and be counted!!!"

This is the basic premise on which the Stand 4 love charity project stands on, speak up, advertise, promote and create world-wide awareness of one single fact, the equality rights the LGTB community has always and will continue on fighting for while promoting tolerance; we have never wished to be considered the same as our heterosexual counterparts, but there is something that as citizens we are indeed considered quite the same -except for the joint tax declaration married couples have- and that is paying taxes.

Our "gay" money is just as hard-earned and valid as anyone else's and most governments do have the separation between state and the clergy, but at the end of the day this separation fails to happen as there are many so called "religious" individuals in politics, who fail to see our "lifestyle" for what it really is, just another way -as valid as the next one- to express and feel love.

So let's stop assuming our kids will be straight, let's just settle for them being happy, whatever they turn out to be, let's all fight to create awareness that being gay is not a choice, hatred however is.

More info on how to join the Stand 4 Love movement on their page

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