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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Out and Proud

Pride: as defined by Webster's it is the act, quality or state of being proud, hence possessing a reasonable and justifiable degree of self esteem; so with this notion and definition, how can gay pride really be defined or categorized?

Is it in our obligation as gay men or members of the LGTB community -to be more inclusive-, to be openly proud and celebrate the fact that we have a sexual orientation? Are we being bad homosexuals if we're not out and proud?

There are a number of other minorities -although in our particular case, the more advances to gain equality we make, the more it seems to me that we are far from being considered a minority-, that don't participate in openly broadcasting how awesome it is to be a part of their particular group; so it'd be safe to assume that the celebrational spirit that comes with Gay pride, it is indeed more of a particular choice.

Simply explained, to be proud of being Gay can be manifested and conveyed in many different ways -not all of them public and flashy-, which doesn't particularly makes them less effective. Be as it may, this being in second life or RL -or any other social platform you choose to communicate with others-, be proud of who you are and what you have to offer to others and like my father always said, "we're all equals because at the end of the day, we all sit on the same porcelain throne to do our business, Kings Queen and peasants alike"

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