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Saturday, June 9, 2012


Me, on my first significant avatar when I was one week old.
 The shape is still the  same one
During my set last night at Club Zeus, I decided to multitask a bit and help a new Second Life user -often referred to in the platform as Noobs- who had found his way into my set and club and had the enough focus to actually stick around and talk to the other patrons who were enjoying the music and socializing -not being mean but noobs are particularly known for being easily distracted by shiny things everywhere and not overly talkative-

Being born -or in this case rezzed in second life- can be confusing and traumatic, especially if you haven't used the viewer or any user created content 3D platforms before, so from my own personal experience, any help you can be provided with during these first few days is always appreciated and can dramatically change the path your future second life will head towards.

When I first rezzed I basically randomly visited sims everywhere and eventually entertained what most new gay users join second life for, virtual sex; at some point I grew tired of it and decided to give second life a few days break and when I came back, stumbled upon the "king" of what would become my new vampire family and shelter for the next few months. Even though I regret not having experienced second life further outside a vampire clan before deciding to join one, I now see that this gave me an advantage -and a solid close circle of friends and family that still remain around me to this day-, since it was with my initial family where I learned to DJ, dabbled into designing and many other things that would define my Second Life persona: "Spike Clémenceau-Silent"

In retrospect, it has been a long and winding road, but I most likely would not change anything about it as all of my experiences, the good ones and the bad ones, have brought me to the point where I am now.

For any of you reading this who have given second life a rest due to lack of help or are just starting out on the platform, here are some useful links that should get you started.

Genesis Order Horde Welcoming Center: Lots of free items and information for both guys and girls

Gay Fun beach: SecondGay's in-world project, noob friendly.

Tristar: Gay Cruising area, where most new users and old alike, go to socialize, great place to meet people if you do not know many.

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At June 9, 2012 at 5:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good article - the link to GFB could be

At June 9, 2012 at 2:37 PM , Blogger Spike Clémenceau-Silent said...

Fixed! TY ava :-)


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