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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Letter to me

A few days ago, a new "privilege" was added to the many tasks I have to oversee on my RL job, and this one would be of making a playlist of songs, guess word got around somehow on what I do on my free time, but I readily agreed to engage in such a task, since not only do I love sharing music but how it can alter moods, trigger memories and so on; music is simply put one of the best things mankind has, but I am drifting from the topic.

I put a lot into the songs that, not only had some meaning to me but that carried the right message or mood, and of course I had to include one of my son's favorite performers, Brad Paisley. The one song that inspired this article would be "letter to me", the song had me wondering about the things I would tell myself, or the me from the past if I could.

Would I try to rectify my past mistakes and errors of judgement? Very unlikely, I still believe to this day that we always learn from everything we do, even the hard things in life that feel are going to split us in half come with a lesson, life is nothing but a constant learning experience. I'd ask myself to just hang in there and remember that nothing is as bad as it seems and that believe it or not, you have more guts that you give yourself credit for.

I wouldn't discourage myself from ever creating "Spike", who is in fact a lot more me than I'd like to admit; I know there will be times when I will seriously consider just giving up and find myself something better to do with my free time, but then I'd miss out on the greatest gifts the platform has given me, my sons, we may fight at times, disagree a lot but having them in my life, all thanks to SL has no price; I would beg myself to not be so trusting, specially when it comes to "friends" in the platform, quick with a smile and praise, but nowhere to be seen when things get difficult.

And I'd beg me to hug my RL dad, a lot... I wish I could do it a lot now and hear him complain about it, but sadly I can't. The best advice I could give myself (and potential SL users) is that as real and intense as SL relationships may feel, it is still SL, very few lucky ones have found true love in there and to be frank? being single is not the end of the world and in your case, being single seems to be the best state for you.

I'd end my letter to me giving me the best advice a parent can receive, which would be to cut my boys some slack from time to time, just because you know better doesn't mean that they have to do as you say all the time, life is after all a constant learning experience.

P.S. Try not to be too sad when they grow up and wonder off and don't visit as much, it just means you did a good job.

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