My RL suit
The reasons why we initially join second life are varied, but most of us do it out of curiosity and to fulfill a need to socialize in a user created "safe" environment, or at least safer than real life.
So we wonder off and explore, shily at first, mostly overwhelmed on how really big and vast SL and all of its continents seem to be, finally settling somewhere after lots of exploring at a place we call "home"
Much like in RL, we create families, make bonds and new friends, fall in love and out of it which is most of the time what compels us to log back in day after day; we also create a virtual person which has all of the physical traits we find desirable and evolves with our experiences and as our knowledge of the platform improves.
But something most of us seem to be unaware of is that as we delve deeper into SL experiences we become sufferers of what I call the "RL suit" syndrome; taking advantage of both the immersion 3D environments induce and the anonymity that most of us -no matter how open and "true" to our RL selves- enjoy, our SL personas bring out the best and the worst that RL social limits sometimes prevent us from experiencing, hence this becoming our "RL suits".
We wake up, we go to our RL jobs, we come home at the end of the day, shedding our RL and becoming for the rest of the day, that which we really are, with all of that implied. I certainly don't regret every second spent in SL, or I clearly would not be doing it, the "game" as many call it, has given me so much and asked for so very little, I've learned valuable lessons and it has certainly brought out the best in me, which has crossed over all the way to my RL.
Over the almost 3 years I have invested in this, I have become a DJ, a designer, a writer and most importantly, it has allowed me to experience parenting, with the good and the bad that comes with it, something that I am sure in RL would have been negated to me as a gay man -or at least extremely difficult-, I truly don't know what the future holds or if I'll even be here for another 3 years, but I'll enjoy it for as long as it lasts.
Labels: families, relationships, RL, Second Life, society, SPIKE CLEMENCEAU, virtual platforms
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