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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Out with the old

And again, the time of the year when we make a quick review of everything we've done and accomplished -or failed to- has come upon us; interesting year as well, with all of the apocalyptic theories that have been tossed around, then again if you have been around as long as I have, the world has been ending ever since I can remember.

But apocalyptic theories aside, why do we have this impulse of looking back? some people may even add that what's done is done and let be bygones be bygones, but someone once said that without a clear reference of our past, we're bound to repeat it, over and over again, this being in RL or SL.

One thing I've learned through the years in SL and my interaction with all sorts of people, this being inside the clan -my immediate family-, with them who come and go and those who stay, or patrons that come to my sets and share moments with me and staff, is that with some, it pays off never to lose sight of those things past.

SL, as I have mentioned in previous articles, has the vantage point of allowing anyone to remain anonymous for a long period of time, or even still live several alternate lives, but our true selves always shine through, no matter how hard we try to hide it and something I have found very handy is to never let go of the past as a reference, because some people will always come back to your life time and time again under a different form and name, but that essence of who they are and were, still remains.

The past not always shapes our present but on some level defines our future, it is a great part of who we got to be and we would be different if our life experiences had changed even in the slightest; I am not saying we should hang on to our past, what we must however is keep it as a reference, learn from it and hopefully start the new year being better men and women, or at least making better choices from those we made and learned from in this long journey we call living; out with the old, in with the new...

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