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Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Perfection, we all want it, we struggle with it every day and we sometimes fight and try and cope with the idea that in some areas, maybe and only maybe perfection will never be had, and then the average person discovers second life, a reality that in theory will accomplish just that, our envisioned perfect reality.

But as we evolve, grow and experience thing in second life, although success and happiness and all of those things we crave for our lives might be a lot easier to accomplish, the hard reality remains on the sole fact that perfection is also unattainable, a conflicting idea considering that this 3D world is user created and hence, easy to tweak and change to our whims.

Life is hard, is complex and harsh and by no means I am implying that you should give up on your pursuit of perfection and utter bliss, but don't be disappointed when it doesn't happen as soon as you expected it to.

Then there is the other extreme, users so wrapped up on their own perfection, that reality becomes only but a blurry picture; I had the misfortune of exchanging a few words with a FB / SL user just the other day on a comment -on a humorous tone I must add- about an outfit choice he decided to share, on which he took offense and carried on with this huge offensive diatribe, using big words to make his point.

I am sorry folks, but life is not perfect, people are not perfect and there, right there is where true perfection really lies, in our own flaws we try to cope and learn from.

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