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Sunday, March 23, 2014


As of late, with my RL being so busy and me spending so little time in second life, there haven't been that many reasons for me to write a blog post about something significant or which I feel needs to be shared -unless you care to hear about my children and how awesome they are for the millionth time-, so today I stumbled upon an article on the Huffington Post that I found absolutely brilliant and worth sharing; specially spot on for most dysfunctional second life relationships, which in consequence compelled me to sit and write about it.

"10 signs your man is a psychopath" laid out in front of me, clear signs of manipulation that you go through when in a relationship with one, but in most cases whilst blinded by love and devotion and a great number of factors, you brush them off with the excuse "I'm just being silly, he's a good man and he loves me"; in fact you are NOT being silly and you certainly deserve better.

I am by far and in no way perfect, but I believe I have found great balance in my current relationship with a man who like me, is not perfect -and whined about me forcing him to be in the picture for the article- but loves me for who I am, criticizes me when I need to hear it and is my greatest pillar when I need one and a good friend to my boys.

As I kept on reading through the article, red flags kept going off and I shook my head saying, why did I not see this then?, I was Love bombed so he could sweep me off my feet, seemed perfect and very much like me in every single possible way, was mysteriously and suddenly sick and got better overnight; the sex was amazing but at some point he could never find the time and would make it sound like I was sex obsessed and he simply was doing it "for me". As soon as I tried to pull away -the minute I worked up the nerve to actually do it- he kept trying to get me back, that is until Hiro came along, then there was simply no turning back.

The sad part is that this affects a larger group of people that one would think and most are completely unaware of having been on one at all, so do yourself a favor, read the article linked above and if you feel you have been or are the victim of a psycho, get some help starting here: Psychopath Free, where they offer information and support.

It really makes no difference if the relationship has been in RL or SL, the mental debris and after effects affects us all. If you feel someone is being victimized or going through something like this but are unaware, do them a favor and share this.

My story has a happy ending but this might not be the case for some out there, who realize what they are in for, and it is too late.

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