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Friday, August 17, 2012


Many people approach SL day after day and other virtual grids for a wide variety of reasons, it can be due to Role play and how versatile yet realistic it can be, to compensate for things we lack in RL -hence dabbling in these areas inside the grid- or just out of simple curiosity, truth be told and I stick to figures, nearly 800.000 users per year will open an account never to use it again -this also applies to twitter for example-.

Being a noob is complex and without the proper guidance, Second life can turn out to be hostile and boring, I was in fact, one of the lucky ones that "fell" into the right crowd of people -a good number of them still around and who I am proud to refer to as family-, them being one of the reasons why I stick around, even when my RL gets complex to the point I just don't wish to log in that day, and end up doing it anyway.

The reasons why I initially opened a SL account I will keep to myself, but many approach the grid trying to find a more complex "SIMS" online and are baffled on how different it is and of the never ending creative possibilities, but the average SL user is far from what society would define as "normal"; I was having this conversation with a friend this morning on how "normal" is not the norm in SL -all normals are out there in RL, living their average lives-

At the end of the day, there's no such thing as normal -there's not a norm we can contrast and give ourselves a score on how normal or average we are-, there's what's socially acceptable, what's expected of us as well adjusted citizens, good family members and so on; SL and other virtual grids such as ours do not only allow us to be all we can be, it also gives us room to lose all social inhibitions -this is why at times there seems to be so many weirdos in the platform-.

We're all weird, there's no such thing as normal, we just act and look normal -because going with the flow is just a lot easier-... SL allows us to be as weird and open about it as we can be, and that's a fact. Don't forget though that at the end of the day, no matter how much you profit from the anonymity SL provides, your true self will reveal itself, this indifferent to the number of "reboots" and "alts" you profit from, so much like in RL, make good use of the time you have.

P.S. Chris Evans was just for my own eye candy benefit, don't try to associate it with the article

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