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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Almost Human

The human condition has always been something very straightforward to me, you are born, you grow up, you make something of yourself, you find your niche, find a person to love you for who you are and move from there.

But that doesn't necessarily seem to be the case in some countries or to be more specific for the LGTB community. If you dare love the "wrong" gender, depending on where you had the fortune -or misfortune in some cases- to be born at, you may have it easy or difficult, all influenced by the specific social surrounding you may have to endure.

I've always welcomed the Olympics and Eurovision -the latter more regularly as it happens every year- with both happiness and expectation; I love being a witness of how countries set aside their differences to work on a common goal, this being sports or music, showing that for the right purpose, we can function as a collective to represent mankind and how varied and complex it is.

This sadly is not the case of the Russian winter Olympics in the coming year, and needless to say it wouldn't be the first time a group of countries boycott the Olympic games, but I firmly stand on the belief these games need to be moved to a more congenial location to the spirit of the games hosted. A petition initiated by George Takei to move the games from Sochi to Vancouver is gathering steam and strength and more than 75000 people have already signed it.

With sponsor deals and 51 billion already spent on these games, it'd be a good lesson for the country and the government to learn the difference between enforcing laws -despite how we may feel as a collective on the topic- and using such laws as an excuse to treat a group of people as nothing but anything next to human, enabling hate, torture and public humiliation to be forced, while the rest of the world watches, just because you were born loving the "wrong" gender and in the wrong country.

It is time for us to take actions into our own hands and sign the petition

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