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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Pride & Joy

WOW! Has it really been a month since my last post? well in my defense I have been really busy, but thankfully, things are somewhat settled on this end, so I decided I'd give today a try and post something

One of the greatest adventures one can start in life, this being in SL or RL, would be that of parenting; starting a family with nothing but your hopes and dreams and a clear idea of that perfect happiness you have envisioned. Many people often ask me why did I decide to become a parent, what drove me to that place where I felt that loving someone unconditionally was something I wanted to endure?

Parenting is no picnic, your kids take your time, your energy, most of the time they will even test your patience just for the fun of it, and yes there will be times when you just want to wrap your hands around their necks until they turn in several shades of purple whilst you find yourself wondering where did they pick those nasty habits that are driving you insane from and chuckle at the realization the source is none other than you.

But then again, the time finally comes when they grow up to be good men -or women-, and the fruit of your efforts is finally obvious, there for the world to see and you totally get parental bragging rights because that much awesome that makes you proud and induces a sense of joy that you can only experience as a parent is a direct result of all that arguing, fighting, struggling to get them to see that all you did and do for them comes out of love and experience, because you were there, you have done it and most of the time you want to spare them the pain of going through the same you did when confronted with the same situation.

Parenting in SL also fulfills a need, which is reciprocal like most relationships but if done right, it is virtually unbreakable. I you are waiting for the perfect time to start your own family and become a parent, stop waiting and just do it, if you keep waiting for the perfect time, chances are it will never arrive.

This one goes out dedicated to my two boys, Zachy and Skylar; not only do they make me proud, but are also the reason I get up in the morning and keep trying, they turned out to be better than what I had initially expected or could have hoped for, I only wish that you, the reader can experience this first hand, as difficult as parenting is, I'd never trade it for anything else in the world.

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