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Sunday, April 13, 2014


Among the many things one gets to enjoy in second life, sex would be the top and foremost on my list, however, like many things people tend to over-complicate something as simple as sex online, but then again it being an imitation of life some drama is always expected, specially when dealing with primal urges and human emotions.

How many times have you heard of that friend -that one special friend we all have-, who just can't seem to be able to find happiness no matter how hard he tries and has made you go to his SL wedding, all four in less than a year?; truth be told, sex and love are not synonyms yet some tend to think they are. Mind blowing sex is not love, that's got a name already and is called lust.

One thing I have instilled on my kids as they were growing up in this complex virtual world is the simple fact that happiness is found in you and you have no one to answer to when it comes to it, other than yourself. My sons both are very sexually active -I am very much well aware- and both have struggled with finding the "right" person to settle down with, but like all things, this wait shall pass and the perfect someone will show up and make everything right.

In my particular case, I have found the perfect balance in a long term relationship with Hiro, while we both balance a few "friends with benefits" we have on the side, and this is the part where you wonder, why look for it out there when you have a loving partner at home you can use, abuse and experiment with?, simply because this is SL and sometimes getting organised around RL and the time difference is complex at best and I know -have the certainty even- that no matter who we entertain those empty hours when the urge comes a'knocking, that our hearts and feelings lie truly with each other.

Commitment and possession are far from being the same things and I have a few friends who struggle with this concept when facing SL relationships, oddly enough when it comes to RL relationships, I happen to be the most faithful partner out there but monogamy is simply a practice that doesn't seem to work when it comes to SL.

So if you have a few friends where the sexual tension is palpable, might as well give it a go; friends with benefits is an amazing invention, it is sex with a person you are close and comfortable with, where little instruction -if any- is needed, who most likely knows you well enough to know what buttons to push to drive you crazy and make of the intercourse a truly mind-blowing experience, where romantic love is simply not a factor.

P.S: Big thanks to VICE POSES for providing poses for the article pics (link to the right) and to Andyy and my Son Zachy for posing for the pic, love you both.

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