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Sunday, August 25, 2013


Faith as defined by the Webster dictionary, is loyalty, fidelity, allegiance to duty or person, as well as a firm belief for something for which there is no proof, hence requiring complete trust. When it comes to second life, there are many places or people where we generally place our faith; this being a lover, a family, a social group, an association, a bloodlines clan among many others and no matter how much we claim to know about something or someone, being the way that it is, things in second life require at least some level of complete trust, as we do not always have proof .

I've seen good friends manipulated, cheated on, mind fucked, lied to while the truth is bent beyond recognition; even have suffered it myself and there have even been times when due to this sense of misplaced loyalty, some people have seen fair and fitting to grief and destroy anything on their wake. Recently I have decided, after a few changes here and there, to simplify my life in hopes to improve it, or at least to make it more pleasurable, which has of course required a bit of spring cleaning, namely muting, defriending and removing those who I think are no use or are simply put, not worth the grief or extra effort.

I have gotten into the habit of heading over to spurts at random moments of the day, whenever I have time to kill or am working on article drafts or designs for the shop that require next to none attention - funny place this beach, people don't really IM you, most come to look pretty or go semi afk like I do-. Most of my visits here an rather uneventful, unless I run into a familiar face or a good friend decides to ask for pics for their blog -check Ryce's and you'll see what I mean- either way, something that does happen often when I am IMed on here is that at least on every other visit, I get IMed by someone from bloodlines telling me about the wonders and benefits of their clan and how I should totally join.

Somehow the fact that I lead my own bloodline seems to escape their notice, but they still get extra points for efforts. I do not see much harm from this form of clan PR -being a part of one myself- some people indulge on, but did make me realise why bloodlines is not exactly popular in some circles. Bloodlines players in second life have become SL's Jehova's witnesses "you should totally visit our clan", "we will make you a King", "I have a room full of virgins" and so on.

When I kindly mention that I am just not interested, am in fact semi retired and that my clan doesn't hunt, and that we are in fact closer to a family or sanctuary for those who just don't want to live under any drama, clan pressure or expectations and that we are all happy it works this way, they generally gasp in horror or walk away, as if I were some sort of a BLs heretic -sometimes I even get insulted, which of course always amuses me-

I am happy that your chosen way of life is working so wonderfully for you, but I have decided to simplify and call family only those who act like such, life is too short and second life too varied and extensive to focus on minor things that only benefit a chosen few. Remember that faith is like a Penis, is good to have one, is good to be proud of it, but don't shove it down my throat or expect everyone to think or say that yours is the most wonderful and perfect one that has ever existed.

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At August 25, 2013 at 6:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL @ "room full of virgins"... Really what gets me is another chance to be bitten... I should probably just be a blood doll ;)


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