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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

SecondGAY: a new beginning

I have covered many times the topic of change, how it can be scary once we settle into a somewhat comfortable situation and even if we are offered something better, or that stability that we are enjoying is like being with a person you have partnered for many years but share no feelings with anymore, but out of habit and comfort, we refuse to let go to things or people that are potentially better.

Before Fabrice died -original owner and founder of Gayworldnews-, there were a number of individuals who were given backdoor passes to the site -for whatever reason- and this fact alone turned what it was believed by me and Avacar Bluestar, to be a joint project among many talented people; after long and thoughtful consideration, we both decided to join forces and start what we hope will make an impact on the in-world and web-based magazines of the LGTB community -much like GWNs did-

We have decided to start this project with a Banner/photo contest -details can be found here- and the poseball needed to participate can be bought via marketplace or directly in our in-world office at the NYC sim.

It is our wish to make a difference and continue to grow as long as readers and future sponsors allows us to, by offering insight on everything that is relevant to be told, happening in-world or all over the world. We are not gone, we never were, something better was getting ready to be offered to all of you.

SecondGAY Facebook page

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