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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Welcome back

There are moments in your life, when people you hold dear and close to your heart will part from your side for a number of reasons, but the most painful and hardest to cope with is when a friend leaves influenced by what other people say.

My eldest son is a firm believer of paths, he always says that people have a life path they follow and must discover on their own and if it takes them away from you for a while but eventually brings them back, is all good and what's past is water under the bridge.

I just went through just that today; due to a number of reasons I lost a good friend a number of months back and how things ended between us both confused me and caused me pain, because I knew he was being misled. I am not exactly a harmless little puppy, but when I am wrong I know I am wrong and try my best to fix it.

Then today I was approached by him again during one of my sets and after engaging a light hearted chat, we decided to work out our issues and put the past behind us; there are some people in your life that deserve a second chance and that the wrongs done to you lose the weight that caused the division. Whether it is Second Life or Real Life, no matter how much you try and hide the truth, it will always come afloat, even if it takes a long time.

Guess Skylar is right and that there are paths that will always lead back home.

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