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Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Drama Lama

Being a faithful reflection of my SL happenings, I am forced yet again to cover this topic and funnily enough, without having done or said anything to cause it, at least this time. What makes a person in SL create, fuel or cause issues that will rub most people off the wrong way? I constantly ask myself thise very question when it comes to my friends I like to refer to as the "drama Lamas"

A drama lama is simply put, an attention seeker, whose only purpose in SL and other social platforms such as Facebook and twitter is to cause issues involving other, to direct attention to his misfortune or predicament while whining and batting of their eyelashes.

Get a grip people, Second life is a leisure based platform, true some of us do produce an extra income out of it and have a very complex family and social life that goes beyond our real one, which doesn't negate the fact that second life, whether we like it or not it's a gaming platform, user based and with user created content, but that doesn't give you the excuse to "toy" with people to quench your attention needs; after having suffered the unmentionable when it comes to my social interaction in SL for the past year and a half, being the victim of drama lamas and psychotic individuals whose only intention it's to profit from your hard earned efforts, I have come to the new life motto of enjoying myself while on SL, carefuly muting, ignoring or avoiding attention seekers and others psychos, all of this done with a smile and my best wishes.

If you feel my actions in the past have affected you negatively in some way, be a man about it and IM me or private message me on FB, arrange a meeting and talk to me like an adult, but stop trying to suck me in on situations I will simply not partake of if I have not caused them, I have enough to worry about as it is and better people and things to invest my time on, than to humor anyone's thirst for attention.

If you crave attention so badly, get naked, video it and post it on xtube, but leave me and my loved ones alone, I will mute, delete and report as I see fit when and if I feel my integrity and that of the ones I care is affected.

And to add more on the topic, do take time to read:

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