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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Autism Speaks

The Autistic disorder and most of its varied spectrums were not officially identified and diagnosed until 1990, so there were a few decades were people from my generation and older, were not treated: I still feel that Autism is the great unknown, when it comes to society.

Like most disabilities, you do not fully comprehend it until it affects you or your family directly, but that doesn't prevent it from being there. Scientists and doctors have been fighting Autism, trying to find a way to prevent it and treat it, and most of the people directly or indirectly involved have thinned down the issue to either early age vaccines or food allergies to ingredients such as gluten and other food groups.

The fight is far from done and there is still a lot of road to cover, that's why, for a number of reasons, my SL husband and myself, have decided to host a fundraiser this coming Sunday, to create awareness and raise funds for ASA (Autism Support of America), so further research and progress can be made in the fight against Autism.

There are a lot of users in SL that log in for therapeutics purposes, to learn how to socialize or overcome a disability, so the numbers of Autistic users in Second life are larger that you could imagine and it has proven to be a great tool for many. Please join us March 3rd 2013 at 10 am PDT / SLT, in our wedding anniversary celebrations and help us raise money so further progress in trying to find a cure for autism can be made.

Autism Speaks, it's time to listen: help us speak out for those who can't.

Genesis Order Horde Castle

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Thursday, February 14, 2013


Those who celebrate valentine's day nowadays and are in fact still single, usually call it "single awareness day" and many others who choose not to celebrate it, hide behind the excuse that it is simply another commercial attempt to get you to spend money on a loved one, but v-day is in fact older than Christmas itself and although borrowed to honor a Catholic priest, valentine's day is very much in fact a pagan pre-roman pastoral festival, observed from Feb 13 to the 15th to avert evil spirits and purify the city, releasing health and fertility; a festival dedicated to Lupercalia, believed to be a lycan deity.

So what is the real purpose of valentine's? I always say to those who ask that the holiday is and should be a celebration of love, love as a whole and not only romantic love. Love has many shapes and forms and even thought our constant search is that of romantic companionship and glorifying it, shouting it to the four corners of the earth when we do have it, limiting love to that sole area is absurd.

I happen to be blessed with many types of love in my second life, the love of my sons, of my close friends, of those who I call my family and that of my husband, so when the day comes I make sure that each and every single one of them knows how I feel about them, but it sure doesn't stop after valentines, since love, true love doesn't need to be worded but shown.

If you are also blessed, make sure those around you causing it also know it; cause your actions to do the talking.

Happy valentines day

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