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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dear GOD

A while ago, my attention was directed to some posts that went viral on facebook, by none other than a comedian that calls himself GOD, not just God by name but the almighty creator, Alpha and Omega, superior being all seeing and all present and so on.

He by doing so has of course not only stirred some controversy and caused the hatred among the various religious self proclaimed spokes people (which he has always dealt with both knowledge and a smile), but along the way has inadvertently become a source for inspiration and support for many in need out there.

Suicide hot line links and support, always a kind word and a shoulder to cry on for many if needed, God is indeed working in strange ways and comes to prove that despite the many detractors social platforms may have, it is not the source of info perse the one to blame, but the use given by its many users, and proof of that is the fact that in so very little time, GOD has touched so many lives in such a strong positive way and that real change can be done with so very little.

With over 1.2 million followers and counting, he needs little if any introduction, but if you have not heard of him, I strongly suggest you to check out his facebook page and peruse through the varied posts by either him or his very large following, which he is always happy to share with the group; he has also recently released some merchandise (a Tee for now) which I am almost half tempted to buy, but leaves me wondering if he would like some Second Life support and some inworld tees being distributed as well.

Time will tell where things head for him and his amazing page, but all in all it seems to be headed in the right direction.

Remember what little or big we do, it always affects other people and GOD here is proof of that. Keep up the good work!

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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Farewell Mr. Mandela

Even thought, two blog-posts in a day are rather uncharacteristic of me, I felt as it was my duty and privilege to dedicate a few minutes to praise and honor this man's life, which was a clear example of humility and who regarded all human beings as equals, someone who fought to make this world a better place, starting with his own country, making sure that all citizens were regarded as equals, regardless of ethnicity or religious beliefs.

He was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and politician who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was the first black South African to hold the office, and the first elected in a fully representative, multiracial election. His government focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid through tackling institutionalised racism, poverty and inequality, and fostering racial reconciliation.

He was imprisoned in 1962 -sentenced to life in prison- after actively becoming an anti-apartheid revolutionary, actions with these revolutionary groups which led him to be imprisoned for 27 years; he was later released in 1990 after the international community lobbied for his release, instead of having his spirit and will broken by his imprisonment, he rose from it, gathering strength and support, on his ideals of a free and equal to all Africa; shortly after being released he declared: "In a way I had never quite comprehended before, I realized the role I could play in court and the possibilities before me as a defendant. I was the symbol of justice in the court of the oppressor, the representative of the great ideals of freedom, fairness and democracy in a society that dishonoured those virtues. I realized then and there that I could carry on the fight even in the fortress of the enemy." 

Not only did he profit from his prison years, but he took advantage of them to become a better man and the leader his country deserved. When being interviewed by Oprah back in 2000, one of the questions he had were "what is the subject of today´s show?" 

The Most Humble Man Oprah Has Ever Met

I join the large number of people around the world who are deeply saddened by his death, but do feel quite privileged to have had the opportunity to be his contemporary, watching change happen by the willpower and determination of one man, who truly believed that a world equal for all, is possible and in his own words, change is always possible, even from the inside, regardless of this inside being a prison.

Godspeed Mr. Mandela 

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Perception can be defined as the whole of stimulus that create reality around us and shape our general response depending on what we see, feel, smell or hear; most of the time as we grow up, we are taught on how to respond to "negative" stimulus, as to ensure our survival and continued existence, but as a recently educated being in the path of buddhism,  most of these reactions you come to learn, are not necessarily the most appropriate, and even your "perception" of reality might not be the most accurate.

Early on your path of buddhism,  you come to learn that in life there are 3 absolute truths in life, which may cause you grief and suffering when trying to negate or fight agaisnt them; impermanence, change and your own sense of self -these roughly cited and presented, for simplicity-. Impermanence teaches you that nothing in life is permanent and hence, trying to hold onto things is futile -the key to happiness is actually learning to enjoy what you are given- and accepting change as a fact of life, supported by the final notion that everything you do, big or small will always affect someone.

When it comes to SL, perception and how you present "reality" to others may vary, -the same may apply to the 3 fundamental truths- but it is all there; haven't you ever marvelled at the concept that no matter under how many alts people may try and hide to bend the truth and alter your perception, the real person always shines thru? There's always so much you can do and struggle to hide the truth, specially shielded by the "anonymity" our beloved virtual platform may offer, but in the end, your true self, that which makes you an unique human being will always be there.

That would be why I have come into the habit of not turning anything presented to me by life or others as absolutes, specially so when it comes to SL, there is always that which you are shown, and what truly lies beneath.

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