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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Mr. Big

Even though some will recognize the picture as being the Logo for the Rock Band, this article is not about them, it's about the life character, portrayed and described in the "Sex & the City" TV series -to whom Carrie ends up married-.

Now, who is this Mr. Big person and how can you know if there is one in your life? He is that one friend that you first IM when you log in and who knows all of your darkest secrets, he's the one that is always by your side or within reach and he is most likely someone you love but would not consider dating for a number of reasons.

Why then not just sleep with him or date him and get it over with?, because sometimes in our own comfort zone, contemplating change -even if it's for the best- can be a scary concept, and of all the possible choices available, keeping him as a friend is the safest one.

At the end of the day, we all need a rock, a hard pillar, a safe area to cling to or to simply find shelter; that's why he's BIG, because he's made a big difference in your life and because you know that no matter what you do or say, he'll always be there.

So if you have a Mr. Big in your life, count your blessings and never take him for granted and make sure he knows how much he means to you, at least once, because as wonderful and varied as second life can be as a platform, seeing someone's true colors and finding people to trust blindly is truly a blessing.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It's Back to the Future

That was the random date chosen in the movie "Back to the Future" where we were shown a glimpse of what was in store for us in 27 years, and on some things they were not mislead.

True there are no flying cars and holograms per-se aren't used in advertising, but more and more, movies are produced in 3D, which is in theory the same concept, but you no longer need to use "your hands" to play video games, as new consoles have developed the kinetic controller, where the player himself is the control pad.

This makes me wonder if we were to predict what the world will be like in another 27 years, how many of those "technological predictions" would come true; Jules Vernes did seem to foresee quite accurately what the future would bring, so maybe if we were to wish to see what's in store for us, we should start having some of whatever he was drinking.

Be as it may, wanting to have a peek into the future or not, let's all celebrate the fact that almost 30 years ago, a number of people gathered and wrote a movie script that was entertaining and half right -I still don't see no hover boards either-

Happy Back to the future day!

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Stand 4 love

"Each one of us has the right to liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness. Everyone has the right to love and be loved in return. GAY, LESBIAN, STRAIGHT, TRANSGENDERED or BISEXUAL…..Sexual Orientation or Race shouldn’t Matter. The FREEDOM to LOVE is fundamental as the FREEDOM to BREATHE. Two adults should have the right to love without discrimination and intolerance. Marriage should be available to any loving couple. Let’s end hatred and discrimination now. Stand UP and be counted!!!"

This is the basic premise on which the Stand 4 love charity project stands on, speak up, advertise, promote and create world-wide awareness of one single fact, the equality rights the LGTB community has always and will continue on fighting for while promoting tolerance; we have never wished to be considered the same as our heterosexual counterparts, but there is something that as citizens we are indeed considered quite the same -except for the joint tax declaration married couples have- and that is paying taxes.

Our "gay" money is just as hard-earned and valid as anyone else's and most governments do have the separation between state and the clergy, but at the end of the day this separation fails to happen as there are many so called "religious" individuals in politics, who fail to see our "lifestyle" for what it really is, just another way -as valid as the next one- to express and feel love.

So let's stop assuming our kids will be straight, let's just settle for them being happy, whatever they turn out to be, let's all fight to create awareness that being gay is not a choice, hatred however is.

More info on how to join the Stand 4 Love movement on their page

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Don't MESH with me

The incursion of mesh in our second lives seems to be both stoppable and day after day more welcomed by many former doubtful users who now parade around sims wearing their mesh with pride. As a content creator in second life it took me a while to consider including mesh items in my shop, but the way I saw it evolve, it's all just a matter of supply and demand; people want mesh, we procure mesh, simple as that.

As time goes by, we make an effort to include several sizes -at least on my particular case- to try and accommodate the wide range of users and shapes out there, but it's not always plausible, specially if -like in my case-  mesh doesn't quite do it for you, because it is unique and made from scratch. How do we include those users that simply can't wear mesh because it just won't look right? Should they be forced to re-tweak their shapes?, fine line is, as things are now, we simply can't and that is where our long awaited deform -sadly overlooked by Linden Labs- would come in handy.

Guess is a matter of waiting to see if deform will ever come, giving us creators the change to adjust and change rigged mesh so it fits all people, hence reaching an even wider variety of users, shapes and sizes; until that day comes, we will simply continue with our efforts to deliver quality mesh outfits that won't make you look fat, or funky shaped.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Age of Consent vs. Legal Age

Age of consent is what we all know to be a free pass to entertain sexual activities with minors, all depending of course on a number of legal loopholes which -in my opinion negates the concept of having such limit- makes it next to impossible to do it anyhow. Age of consent varies on each country and in Europe alone, Spain has the lowest age of consent, it being at the shocking limit of 13.

Now legal age would be that age limit where, having sex and drinking -in some countries- is perfectly legal and you are, to all effects and purposes considered an adult. As I was minding my own business the other day and while riding the train back home, I stumbled upon a newspaper article where Justin Biever -recently 18- had declared his wish to be taken more seriously as an artist, hence making an effort for this "maturity" to be reflected in his new album.

I quickly dismissed all of this as I finished reading it and carried on with my habitual tasks for that day, but as soon as I got home and while browsing a few pages, I saw this "nude celebrities" banner on a page, where -yes you guessed right- Justin Biever was now included among the large catalogue of other famous men and women we all are used to seeing advertised.

Now, this brought a number of questions in my head that I carefully tried to put together in an article; when is it socially acceptable to engage sexual acts with a person? Does it make it instantly right if the day you had sex with that 17 year old he was still 17 but hours later he happened to be 18? How about two days later? Sorry to say but in my opinion -and I'm not being judgmental here- that person you boinked who just so happens to have turned 18 recently, was a minor not long ago.

I am just both shocked and surprised to see how quickly Mr. Biever joined the ranks of the numerous celebrities out there who have nudes -fake or real- scattered all over the internet when not until recently, he was underage, but I guess that's where age of consent comes in handy, but personally I'm not exactly curious to see Biever's not-underage-anymore nude anatomy.

Just my two cents

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Thank you Papa

When father's day was initially suggested and coined, many people laughed at the concept finding the need of such celebration simply pointless; after all, fathers had always been the providers and patriarchs of most families world-wide, so the recognition was already there, why add another holiday to something that for most people was already obvious?

I can't speak on everyone's behalf, but the person that I am in RL and SL is largely due to my father's influence; I would most likely not be half the man and father I am now if it hadn't been for him. My dad was not an educated man, he didn't have any fancy degrees or education to brag about but I've always considered him a very wise man.

One of the things that Second life as a lifestyle / platform has enabled me to do, is to experience parenting first hand and hopefully honor his memory, by passing on to my sons most of what I learned from him about life and how to be a decent man with strong ethics; my father was truly the first man I loved, there's not a day I don't miss talking to him, but I do have all of the times we spent together and I know for sure that when I am having quality time with Skylar or lecturing Seymour about things he's forgotten to do, I have the certainty that he's standing by my side smiling, shaking his head and most likely saying "you were a lot worse"

I love you and miss you Papa, I wish you were here to see the man and father Spike has become. Happy father's day to all of the RL and SL fathers out there, make it a good one!

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Out and Proud

Pride: as defined by Webster's it is the act, quality or state of being proud, hence possessing a reasonable and justifiable degree of self esteem; so with this notion and definition, how can gay pride really be defined or categorized?

Is it in our obligation as gay men or members of the LGTB community -to be more inclusive-, to be openly proud and celebrate the fact that we have a sexual orientation? Are we being bad homosexuals if we're not out and proud?

There are a number of other minorities -although in our particular case, the more advances to gain equality we make, the more it seems to me that we are far from being considered a minority-, that don't participate in openly broadcasting how awesome it is to be a part of their particular group; so it'd be safe to assume that the celebrational spirit that comes with Gay pride, it is indeed more of a particular choice.

Simply explained, to be proud of being Gay can be manifested and conveyed in many different ways -not all of them public and flashy-, which doesn't particularly makes them less effective. Be as it may, this being in second life or RL -or any other social platform you choose to communicate with others-, be proud of who you are and what you have to offer to others and like my father always said, "we're all equals because at the end of the day, we all sit on the same porcelain throne to do our business, Kings Queen and peasants alike"

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sloppy Seconds

Imitation can be an art, a way to honor someone who influences you in some way or whose footsteps you wish to follow while making your own path; nothing that's not worth some admiration is copied and it's in the personalizing where the true art lies.

This is true and applies to most artists, performers and public figures who have left an imprint in their particular sector by either being unique, offering something new or changing the way we perceived music or art.

In second life this concept is even truer, since being a user created platform, leaves an open space for original life performers, Deejays and impersonators who make a living or use their free time out of making art or sharing it with others.

This being said, what happens when you are the victim of "admiration" and someone decides to "follow in your footsteps" by recreating your life in every little detail? Can this be considered admiration or should it be labelled as psychosis?; there's a fine line in between the two, so one most be careful before blowing the "crazy whistle" and verbally abusing what could be simply considered as someone simply paying homage to all of those things you've done right.

Where does the difference lie? when that someone starts sleeping with the people you had slept with -which is simply sloppy seconds- and had some relevance or effect on your public life, that's no longer paying a homage. It could be me, but systematically sleeping with dudes you'd rather not see in your next 300 incarnations is hardly flattering, but that's me.

If anyone out there decides to float around you, being you but not really you and feeling awesome by checking the list of people you had in the past "first hand", power to them.

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Return of the Asian Persuasion

Second life as a whole -as my brother recently pointed out- has the ability -unlike RL- to just put your life on hiatus when things in life get too complicated to spend any time on the platform; this was the case of my dear Friend and SL brother Yu Exonar.

In this long and winding road that Second Life has been for me, Yu has become many things -always at the right times-, my worst enemy, my closest friend, my refuge, my protector and my brother.

But one of the most relevant ones would be my DJ role model; he had been DJing in SL for a big long while when I arrived and I would always stand on his sets in wonder and anticipation to see what he would play next, always wondering if I would ever be able to do such a thing and work the crowds like he does.

So it's both my privilege and honor to announce that after a prolonged SL hiatus, DJ YU "The Asian Persuasion" is back. We will be having a big event this Thursday at 2pm SLT (PST) at Club Se>en, with 500 L$ up on the board for ABC (Anything But Clothes). So mark your calendars and prepare to party, because DJ Yu, the one and only, is back.

Welcome Back B

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Saturday, June 9, 2012


Me, on my first significant avatar when I was one week old.
 The shape is still the  same one
During my set last night at Club Zeus, I decided to multitask a bit and help a new Second Life user -often referred to in the platform as Noobs- who had found his way into my set and club and had the enough focus to actually stick around and talk to the other patrons who were enjoying the music and socializing -not being mean but noobs are particularly known for being easily distracted by shiny things everywhere and not overly talkative-

Being born -or in this case rezzed in second life- can be confusing and traumatic, especially if you haven't used the viewer or any user created content 3D platforms before, so from my own personal experience, any help you can be provided with during these first few days is always appreciated and can dramatically change the path your future second life will head towards.

When I first rezzed I basically randomly visited sims everywhere and eventually entertained what most new gay users join second life for, virtual sex; at some point I grew tired of it and decided to give second life a few days break and when I came back, stumbled upon the "king" of what would become my new vampire family and shelter for the next few months. Even though I regret not having experienced second life further outside a vampire clan before deciding to join one, I now see that this gave me an advantage -and a solid close circle of friends and family that still remain around me to this day-, since it was with my initial family where I learned to DJ, dabbled into designing and many other things that would define my Second Life persona: "Spike Clémenceau-Silent"

In retrospect, it has been a long and winding road, but I most likely would not change anything about it as all of my experiences, the good ones and the bad ones, have brought me to the point where I am now.

For any of you reading this who have given second life a rest due to lack of help or are just starting out on the platform, here are some useful links that should get you started.

Genesis Order Horde Welcoming Center: Lots of free items and information for both guys and girls

Gay Fun beach: SecondGay's in-world project, noob friendly.

Tristar: Gay Cruising area, where most new users and old alike, go to socialize, great place to meet people if you do not know many.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

GOD is Gay

Haven't you ever wondered? If according to mythology and other religious sources which clearly state -this seems to be unanimous- that God himself created us in his likely image, doesn't it seem like a possibility that he might be Gay? or maybe even Bisexual?

Zeus for example, who would be the supreme being version for ancient Greek and Romans, was known to entertain homosexuality at some point and people just accepted it for what it was, even most animals and lower species other than humans engage gay sex; nature can't be wrong, it's been standing there for nearly 5 billion years.

As my brother and I were getting ready to go out for a few drinks last night, he shared with me a youtube video of one of his favorite comedians he knew I'd get a few laughs out of, as he seems to use logic as his humorous angle. Not only did he make sense to me, while discussing God during the Noah's ark story and how he approached the problem in his infinite wisdom, but it did help me see how things in the bible could be easily misinterpreted -which is what most people against homosexuals using the bible are simply doing-, or even used as a weapon for discrimination.

So the question remains, is he Gay, is he straight? is he maybe Bisexual? Pansexual? -this last one seems to me to be the most likely option- Doesn't really matter does it, when you think about it, it won't ever change who God is and this also applies to people in general.

But that's just me.

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Move (2) Reunited...

There are many choices that must be faced when moving abroad and most of the time they differ from those made around planning a holiday. When we are vacationing our mind and entire psychology is focused on just having fun and most likely limited to a budget we can get creative with; so as long as we stick to it we should be fine and can afford spending a little extra on being pampered. Moving however is an entirely different process, you also have a budget but unless you are moving with a job already lined up and a place to stay, your overall funds and expenses have to be taken into consideration until a new source of income arrives.

So when faced with airline choices and fares, I obviously went for the cheapest one I could find -and if you have flown you already know what an incredible ordeal low-cost airlines can turn out to be-. I had heard all sorts of stories about Ryan Air, so when facing the trip and my luggage I was a bit defensive but trying to keep an open mind about it.

I was taking my desktop with me, to which I refer as "Spikey" -screen and the whole shebang, neatly tucked in my bags- and I was almost convinced that I'd have some overweight, but I didn't worry about it too much as I had been able to squeeze a few kilos through check in just batting my eyelashes and throwing some charm, but this is not how things work with this airline, so in order to be able to get "Spikey" through customs I had to leave my shoes and some of my clothes with my friend who was seeing me off.

I won't be the whining type and go into a full description about the trip, but I knew it'd be all worthy as soon as I got to be with my RL brother again. We have entertained the little things that you cannot partake with in RL due to geographical distance, no matter how accurate such as shopping together or having a few beers. As blogging and photography goes, he's one of my most well kept secrets, one that I am willing to share with you.

So go check out his blog and flickr page, he has some interesting stuff posted although he's not as prolific as I am.

Is good to be back, SL, RL and blog wise.

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