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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Capture Love

When I initially joined Second Life's "Capture Love" contest, my first intention was to show people that other types of love could be experienced on the platform, that do not gravitate towards sex or romance and that deserved to be showcased in public as well.

I never did expect to get the massive amount of positive feedback and affection from SL users of all kinds, originated from a simple picture, which I decided to share and comment, on something that is habitual for me, which is taking time to have coffee with my son every morning.

Nothing I do in second life would ever be possible without all of you, your support, comments and feedback on everything I do and decide to share. I am truly honored and humbled and day after day, small things such as this one prove to me that the choice of starting a blog was the right one.

Here's the Link to the article I was asked to write for having won the "Capture Love" contest with the story on how I became a gay parent in Second Life. Again my heartfelt thanks for having allowed me to share my story, and I leave you all with a quote from my Second Life Father Northstar: "'The Love that dare not speak its name' in this century is such a great affection of an elder for a younger man as there was between David and Jonathan, such as Plato made the very basis of his philosophy, and such as you find in the sonnets of Michelangelo and Shakespeare. It is that deep, spiritual affection that is as pure as it is perfect. It dictates and pervades great works of art like those of Shakespeare and Michelangelo, and those two letters of mine, such as they are. It is in this century misunderstood, so much misunderstood that it may be described as the "Love that dare not speak its name," and on account of it I am placed where I am now. It is beautiful, it is fine, it is the noblest form of affection. There is nothing unnatural about it. It is intellectual, and it repeatedly exists between an elder and a younger man, when the elder man has intellect, and the younger man has all the joy, hope and glamour of life before him. That it should be so the world does not understand. The world mocks at it and sometimes puts one in the pillory for it. "

Oscar Wilde

I love my two sons, and like that of any father my love is pure and simple and I am very proud of it 

Cuando me uní al concurso de Second Life "Capture Love", mi primera intención fué la de mostrar a las personas de que otros tipos de amor eran posibles en la plataforma, que no giran en torno al sexo ó el romance y que merecían ver la luz pública también.

Nunca esperé recibir el apoyo masivo y las muchas muestras de afecto por parte de muchos usuarios del second life, originados todos por una foto muy simple, la cual decidí compartir y comentar, de algo que hago de manera habitual y natural todos los días, que es tomar el café temprano con mi hijo cada mañana.

Nada de lo que hago en el Second life sería posible sin el apoyo continuado de todos ustedes, los comentarios y sugerencias en todo lo que hago o decido compartir. Me siento realmente honrado dia tras dia, y son pequeñas cosas como estas las que me prueban de que mi elección de hacer este blog no fué erronea.

He aqui el vinculo al articulo que me pidieron escribir por haber ganado el concurso "Capture Love" incluyendo la historia de como me convertí en padre en el Second Life. Una vez más muchísimas gracias  por haberme permitido compartir mi historia, y les dejo con una cita de my padre en el Second Life Northstar: "contest with the story on how I became a gay parent in Second Life. Again my heartfelt thanks for having allowed me to share my story, and I leave you all with a quote from my Second Life Father Northstar:“El amor que no osa decir su nombre, en ese siglo, es el amor de un hombre maduro y un hombre joven, como el que existía entre David y Jonathan, tal como aquel que Platón usó como verdadera base de su filosofía, y tal como se encuentra en los sonetos de Miguel Ángel y Shakespeare. Es un afecto honrado y espiritual, tan puro como perfecto. Inspira y colma grandes obras de arte, como las de Shakespeare y Miguel Ángel, y las dos cartas mías tal como son....En este siglo hay un concepto tan erróneo de él (del amor que no puede definir su nombre) y es por esa razón que estoy colocado aquí...”

Oscar Wilde

Amo a mis hijos, y mi amor es puro y simple cómo el de cualquier padre 

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Yes, even in the virtual world of Second Life, they exist and much like in real life, you have all kinds of celebrities: those born in a family of celebs, those who are famous by collateral -i.e. friends, partners or exes of someone famous- and those by own merit who either work in Arts and Crafts or in the entertainment industry.

But what drives a person to become a SLebrity and pursue this lifestyle? Is it the shine and glitter? is it the attention? perhaps the shows of affection and admiration from the masses is what they crave? I've seen people look for all sorts of things in second life, trying to compensate -or not, this also varies- for all they lack in real life but stardom is something that not only seems to be happening a lot often recently, but also becoming a trend and a lifestyle goal that would indicate personal success for some.

Those who do manage to get to a point where everyone knows who they are, by own merit or not, sometimes fall into a weird "Diva" trip I simply find amusing, which varies from extremes of the spectrum: the ones who parade around expecting personal favors and treatment in a very public fashion and those who also want that but pretend to be humble and modest. I am sorry, but the ones who truly make a difference in second life and how we experience it, are most of the time anonymous -not many people knew who was really behind the Gay Archipelago among other projects who have benefited, inspired and helped many in our community until he passed-

But then again, isn't having a blog and a following of readers also a way to achieve stardom and public attention? -some may wonder- not really, might be for some, but for me is simply a way to inform people out there -both in-world and on the internet- willing to read me on how I experience second life and the many wonderful possibilities it offers, while trying to remove the "game" stigma this virtual reality has had, for far too long.

Si, incluso en el mundo virtual del second life, existen e igual que en la vida real, hay todo tipo de celebridades: aquellos que naces en un entorno de famosos, aquellos famosos por colateral -es decir, amigos de un famoso, exes ó  compañeros sentimentales- y aquellos por merito propio que trabajan en el mundo de las artes ó el entretenimiento.

Pero, ¿qué empuja a una persona a perseguir este estilo de vida? ¿será el brillo y glamour? ¿a lo mejor la atención? ¿las muestras de afecto por parte de las masas? He visto a personas en la plataforma buscar todo tipo de cosas, intentando compensar -ó no, esto tambien varía- por todo aquello de lo que carecen en la vida real, pero la fama y el estrellato es algo que no sólo parece estar ocurriendo muy a menudo ultimamente, pero que también parece se está convirtiendo en un modo de vida casi religioso para todos aquellos que persiguen la fama.

Aquellos que consiguen llegar a ese punto deseado en el que todo el mundo los conoce, ya sea ó no por merito propio, caen en una especie de "zona Diva" que encuentro simplemente divertida, y que cubre ambos extremos del espectro: los que quieren atención y trato especial por sien quien son y que lo piden de forma muy publica y aquellos que también lo desean, pero pretenden ser humildes. Lo siento, pero aquellos que realmente hacen la diferencia en el second life y como lo experimentamos son bastanate anónimos -no muchos sabían quién estaba dentro del proyecto de Gay Archipelago entre otros proyectos que han beneficiado a muchos en nuestra comunidad, hasta que falleció-

Pero entonces algunos se preguntarán, ¿no es el blog una forma bastante pública de buscar la atención y la fama? no en realidad, a lo mejor para algunos sí, pero en mi caso particular es una manera sencilla de informar a todo aquellos que me leen -ya sea en el second life o fuera de este- de como experimento la plataforma y de las miles de maravillosasd posibildades que ofrece, mientras intento remover el estigma de "juego" que esta realidad virtual ha tenido durante demasiado tiempo.

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Burning Bridges

Often used as an expression to refer to a job or a relationship in your life you have no desire to ever go back to, it seemed fitting to  be used as a reference to the many changes thousands of users are experiencing in impotence as the TPV policy has been updated by Linden Labs.

One of the first things that will poof before our very eyes in the next couple of days will be the client tags; personally, I won't miss those much as it had no relevance to me what viewer was each person on, but the color tags is indeed something I will miss and that the Lindens should seriously consider implementing ASAP -am I the only one that hates that default pink?-

There are though, a few updates on Third party viewers policy that I do agree upon being updated and that is the offline / online statuses -if you have set yourself to appear offline to people, I don't see why there should be a way for some users to see your real online status-, I am a bit obsessed with privacy, so this and the alt scanners -on the last TOS update- is something I welcome seeing depart from our virtual lives.

Then there's the Phoenix/Firestorm bridge, that wonderful wearable tool that allows your inventory and textures as well as many other essentials to load on your viewer which will must likely go too -this will reduce lag too!-, so myself as many users wonder how will this affect our overall user experience in the non so distant future? The move here seems strategic, Linden Labs while publicly expressing their concern regarding users' privacy is striving to make all of our viewer experience similar, so it won't matter if you are on the official V3 or any third party one that has managed to make a somewhat more decent job -no viewer is perfect, no matter what they tell you-

I guess we will wait and see how things are handled by all people involved in this Viewer tug-of-war, but do remember that the one with the muscle here, is Linden Labs itself.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Whip & Chains excite me

The new third party viewers policy has been updated by linden labs a few days ago and has already gotten a few people worked up wondering about the future and what will happen with all of the goodies their viewer of choice offers which the official V3 doesn't for one reason or another.

Those old enough will remember what happened to the very popular Emerald Viewer, whose inability to promptly comply with the third party policies got it removed and blocked in a matter of weeks. Linden Labs claims that these changes are aimed to protect the users' privacy and overall experience, so all users feel both safe and equal when experiencing the virtual reality we all hold dear.

Here are the new sections of the policy:
2.a.iii : You must not provide any feature that circumvents any privacy protection option made available through a Linden Lab viewer or any Second Life service. (simply put, your viewer cannot show when so and so is online if they have made themselves invisible to you or others)
2.i : You must not display any information regarding the computer system, software, or network connection of any other Second Life user.
2.j : You must not include any information regarding the computer system, software, or network connection of the user in any messages sent to other viewers, except when explicitly elected by the user of your viewer.
2.k : You must not provide any feature that alters the shared experience of the virtual world in any way not provided by or accessible to users of the latest released Linden Lab viewer. (no color beams, no teleport screen overrides, no auto replies and so on)

To explain it simply, all Linden labs wants and is aiming for is for more usage of the official viewer or to have (if possible) all third party viewers behave and perform in the same way their viewer does -basically, if we didn't think on implementing such feature, remove it so we can consider it in the very distant future and claim we did it first)

I've seen some users out there, who are active in the RLV feature be concerned on where this change on policies will leave them and their lifestyle -as RLV is a simple add-on granting complete control of an avatar on another-. I am particularly not very fond of submission, slavery or anything that gives anyone power over another person -I am sorry, there's something in RL for that and is called therapy-, but I do respect each person's lifestyle choice and RLV, much like Bloodlines and many other franchises in-world which move millions of linden each month, will be severely crippled if these new measure are implemented literally by third party viewer developers.

I am sorry, but myself, like many users out there believe that restriction cripples creativity and these new policies are a clear attempt to get all developers, scripters and creators out there who rely on these "special" features Linden Labs did not take into consideration at first, to jump through the official viewer ring that most of us, simply don't like.

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tipping: Not only for cows

When you work in the entertainment sector in second life, you do it mostly and mainly because you enjoy socializing and more specifically in the case of second life DJs, because you love sharing your unique view and taste of music with those who are willing to listen.

Tips of course are always expected and wanted, but are not the life force that moves a DJ to go the extra mile to please the crowds during a set -at least not in my particular case-, but there are kinds of people out there and they all have their own unique working ethics; some will ask for a salary on top of tips to DJ at your club.

Then there are moments in your professional life when you are asked to DJ private events -a rezz day party, a wedding, and so on-, this is always good because it means that you are doing a good job and word of mouth is working for your own benefit, and these events are most of the time, paid aside with the agreement on both parties to either let you accept tips or not.

A friend and also SL DJ was asked to do a private event last night, I won't go into further details because those are really irrelevant to the article, but what happened to him was in my opinion the worst tipping protocol a person can undergo during a party. There were around 30 people dancing and listening and during the two hours the event went on, not a single person tipped him; it would have been a total loss if it hadn't been for the lone fact that he had been paid to be there to begin with.

Let's go over the tipping protocol once more, you are NOT expected to tip, but they are ALWAYS appreciated; don't tip anything under 10 L$, if that's all you have keep it and come back when you have more to spare and focus on enjoying the music. If you make a request, always tip no matter the amount, it shows the DJ your appreciation for the work she or he has put in not only finding your song and playing it as soon as is humanly possible.

"it's not good to make people feel obligated to do that which isn't an obligation" Skylar Silent, but some loving to the hard working staff is always welcomed.

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Speak out!

To speak out, as defined by Websters is the act of expressing oneself's thoughts or opinions, this being orally or non-verbally and to talk freely and fearlessly about an issue. The issue at hand can vary and cover a wide array of trending topics, but what I am going to cover on today's article is -of course- about sexuality.

As a gay man, coming to terms with your sexuality and being comfortable and confident enough about it is only half the road to mental health, because whether we like it or not, we also need approval from family and friends and those we hold close, dear and relevant to our heart.

But having them accept who you truly are can be complex and bring up a number of issues. One of my second life family members and a guy I not only hold in high esteem but love dearly for who he is felt compelled recently to share his views on homosexuality, as he has recently come out to his parents and logically assumed that sharing information would not only help him but many other teens out there struggling with the same issue, since simply put... information is power.

A link to his page is already posted on my blog roll, but here is a direct link to his page ( which you are free to copy and paste and distribute as you see fit. Being gay doesn't change the person you are, just who you sleep with, and sometimes people seem to overlook that fact.

In the words of Lady Gaga "Just put your paws up, because you were born this way baby"

Expresarte, es definido por el diccionario come el acto de hacer tu opinión pública, aireando tus pensamientos y opiniones, ya sea de forma no verbal o mediante el uso del lenguage, hablando sin miedo ni reservas sobre un asunto concreto. Este asunto puede variar y cubrir muchos topicos, pero lo que voy a cubrir hoy es -por supuesto- referido a las sexualidad.

Como hombre gay, sentirte comodo con tu sexualidad es solo medio camino por recorrer, porque nos guste o no, necesitamos la aprobación de familia y amigos así como de todos aquellos que tenemos cerca de nuestro corazón.

Pero hacer que acepten quien realmente eres puede ser complejo y traer a la superficie un número de problemas. Uno de los miembros de my familia en el second life y un chico que no solo guardo en alta estima sino cerca de mi corazón se sintió en la necesidad de compartir su perspectiva sobre la homosexualidad, ya que ha salido del armario recientemente y asumió de manera bastante lógica, de que la información es poder, y que compartiendo dicha información ayudaría a otras personas y adolescentes enfrentandose a una situación similar.

Un vínculo a su página ya está disponible en my "blog roll", pero he aquí un enlace directo a la misma ( el cual eres libre de copiar, pegar y distribuir como consideres conveniente. Ser gay no cambia quien eres, sólo con quién te acuestas, y a veces las personas olvidad ese pequeño detalle.

Y citando a Lady Gaga "Alza tus garras, ya que naciste así cariño"

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Saturday, February 25, 2012


We've all had all our moments of drinking to later that morning trying to pull ourselves together by drinking lots of water, and not being a heavy drinker myself -I think I am what you would define a social drinker-, I am left wondering if any of you have ever logged in second life with a few too many to, not only not remember anything you did or said, but to also be stuck with apologizing and cleaning after the collaterals your own drunkenness produced.

But being a social drinker myself -this I am sure is due to the neurological effects alcohol produces on people, hence aiding in shedding our inhibitions when faced with strangers-, I continue to wonder if it is really necessary to resort to alcohol when you are in-world? Most people would safely say that your in-world reality is safe, being user created and as soon as things get too intense you can always log off, but some of the effects on things you are exposed to whilst logged in, transfer all the way to your real life.

I have to admit that I did get drunk while DJing during my first second life new years, but as an excuse I was surely not the only one; I have seen people however, use all sorts of excuses when "logging irresponsibly" and do or say things that later will regret. The person under the influence is in an advantageous position though, as most of the time alcohol will help you get things out of your chest you would not dare to while sober to not only not remember you did, but leaving those you interacted with scratching their heads.

So, is alcohol and social platforms -second life more specifically- compatible?, there's a huge grey area right there, second life is what you make of it, it is your reality and how you choose to experience it, but do remember that those avatars you interact with, have people behind the keyboard and people sadly, don't have a log off button.

Todos hemos tenido nuestros momentos en los que hemos bebido de más para luego a la mañana siguiente intentar volver a ser nosotros mismos bebiendo mucha agua, y no siendo yo un gran bebedor -creo que me definiría como un bebedor social-, me quedo preguntandome si alguno de ustedes alguna vez se ha conectado al second life con unas copas de más, para a la mañana siguiente no sólo no recordar nada de lo que hicieste o dijiste, si no que además estás ocupado arreglando los colaterales que tu ebriedad produjo.

Pero al ser un bebedor social -esto lo explico con los efectos neuronales que el alcohol produce en las personas cuando se enfrentan a situaciones sociales con extraños-, me sigo preguntando si es realmente necesario recurrir al alcohol cuando estás conectado. La mayoría de las personas dirían con seguridad que tu realidad virtual es segura, al ser creada por los usuarios y tan pronto como las cosas se ponen demasiado intensas siempre te puedes desconectar, pero los efectos de todo a lo que eres expuesto mientras estás en la plataforma virtual, se van contigo a la vida real.

He de admitir que una vez en mi primer año nuevo en el second life, me emborraché mientras pinchaba un set, pero como excusa, no era yo el único con unas cuantas copas de más en esa fiesta; he visto a personas sin embargo, usar todo tipo de excusas al "conectarse de forma irresponsable" y hacer ó decir cosas de las que luego seguro se arrepentirán. La persona en estado de embriaguez tiene una posición ventajosa con respecto a los demás, ya que el alcohol te ayuda a sacar a la luz cosas que bajo otra circunstancias nunca harías y con la añadida ventaja de que luego no recuerdas haberlo hecho, mientras que aquellos expuestos a la verdad se quedan rascandose la cabeza con todo aquello que les dijiste.

¿Es el elcohol y las plataformas sociales -second life para ser más precisos- compatible?, esto todo está en un area gris, el second life es lo que haces de él, es tu realidad y como la experimentas depende sólo de tí, pero recuerda de que esos avatares con los que interactúas, tienen personas en el teclado y estos tristemente, no tienen botón de desconección.

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Rhino Writers

"Now forming, Rhino Writers is a gay bloggers group in Second Life, believing there is power in numbers. Formed by Avacar Bluestar & Eddi Haskell, we want to raise up the art form of blogging to a new level.
Description of Rhino Symbol:
Purple Rhinoceros
The purple rhino made its first appearance in December 1974. It was created by two Boston gay rights activists: one source names Bernie Toal and Tom Morganti, another says it was Bernie Toal and Daniel Thaxton. The entire campaign was intended to bring gay issues further into public view. The rhino started being displayed in subways in Boston, but since the creators didn’t qualify for a public service advertising rate, the campaign soon became too expensive for the activists to handle. The ads disappeared, and the rhino never caught on anywhere else.
As Toal put it, “The rhino is a much maligned and misunderstood animal and, in actuality, a gentle creature.” But when a rhinoceros is angered, it fights ferociously. At the time, this seemed a fitting symbol for the gay rights movement. Lavender was used because it was a widely recognized gay pride color and the heart was added to represent love and the “common humanity of all people.” The purple rhinoceros was never copyrighted and is public domain.

Must have posted more than 3 articles in the past six months. And be at least 90% gay :)

IM any member for your group invite, subject to Rhino Checkpoint’s approval (Official membership chairperson TBA).

Our first item on agenda is to create clicker boards (one each) for each of our members’ blogs for placement in the Rhino Writer’s booth at Second Pride 2012. Dimension detail to follow shortly in group notice.

- Avacar & Eddi"

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Strip me

As much as I love nudity and showing off, the title for this post is not about me undressing -although I do take requests on this- but on symbolic stripping. Many of you already know that apart from writing and the many other projects I busy myself with while in-world, DJing and co-owning a club is one of the main ones.

While doing this recently, I stumbled upon one of Natasha Bedingfield's newest hits and the lyrics simply "spoke" to me; the thing I love about this woman is not her voice or on-stage presence, but the deep meaning of her songs while remaining true to herself without sacrificing her music, all for the sake of being widely recognized or commercial like some have the habit of degrading towards.

When I started writing this blog, it was with the sole intention of continuing to share my opinion and perspective on things -after Fabrice's passing and GWNs uncertain future- I go through and that I've always felt other people and second life users might be going through as well, and even though the road ahead is still long and hard, the continuous support and positive feedback I get from all of you, proves to me that accepting Fabrice's offer and my decision to continue was the right one.

My father always said that my brain and mouth were directly connected and that -for my own good- I'd better find a constructive way to make good use of it. As long as people continue to read me, I will share, reflect and post anything I feel is necessary to be known or that people will benefit from knowing, as impartial as I can possibly be. Thank you all for just being there, I will surely strive to make good use of this media and your support, criticism and feedback; as far as haters are concerned, I'll simply quote Natasha on this: "Take what you want, steal my pride, build me up or cut me down to size, shut me out but I'll just scream, I'm only one voice in a million but you aint taking that from me"

Sometimes all it takes is one voice, thank you all for letting me be that voice.

Aunque desnudarme y mostrar mis atributos es algo que me encanta, el titulo de este articulo no se refiere a mi perdiendo vestiduras -aunque acepto peticiones- pero de una desnudez simbólica. Muchos de ustedes ya saben que a parte de escribir y los muchos otros proyectos en los que me ocupo, Deejaying y ser co-dueño de un club es uno de ellos.

Mientras hacía esto, me encontré con una de las últimas canciones de Natasha Bedingfield y las letras simplemente "me hablaron" y me hicieron refleccionar; lo que más me gusta de esta mujer no es su voz o presencia en escena, sino lo poderosas que son sus letras, algo que nunca a sacrificado o cambiado por un esfuerzo en comercializar su musica, algo que algunos artistas acaban haciendo.

Cuando empecé a escribir este blog, era con la única intención de continuar expresando mi opinión y perspectiva sobre todo aquello que me rodeaba -después de la muerte de Fabrice y el futuro incierto de GWNs- y que sentí que podía beneficiar a usuarios del second life y personas en general. A pesar de que el camino es largo, el apoyo continuado y el feedback positivo que recibo cada día, prueba de que mi elección no fue erronea y que el aceptar la oferta de Fabrice fue acertado.

Mi padre siempre decía que mi cerebro y boca estaban conectados y que -por mi propio bien- debía encontrar una forma constructiva de expresarme. Siempre que las personas me sigan leyendo, compartiré, refleccionaré y plasmaré todo aquello que me rodea y que siento necesita ser expuesto, de la manera más imparcial que me sea posible. Gracias a todos por estar ahí, continuaré en mi esfuerzo de hacer un buen uso de este medio; en lo que concierne a mis anti-fans ahí fuera, citaré a Natasha "Toma lo que quieras, roba mi orgullo, enzalsame ó destruyeme, aíslame pero gritaré, sólo soy una voz de millones y eso no me lo puedes quitar"

A veces sólo hace falta una voz, gracias a todos por permitirme ser esa voz.

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Thursday, February 23, 2012


A gratifying sexual experience varies from person to person, but most of the time is focused on enjoying yourself while giving pleasure to the other person, while adding small doses of experimenting.

This is when you are referring to the RL intercourse, where you have a wide array of censorial stimuli at your disposal, but what happens with SL based relationships or those long distance relying on Skype and other means of communication to get by? that's when getting creative comes handy.

I used to be of the opinion that adding voice to the sex experience in SL was for the lazy types, as you can get the same amount of results, or sometimes even more with the proper emotes at the appropriate times, that is until I tried what Britney referred to as "Phonography"

Voice does add an extra punch to the experience, as you can literally hear how everything you are doing affects the other person, including then an extra ingredient that brings you a step closer to realism. Remember than either it being Skype, phone, or SL, most of the sexual pleasure you experience is psychosomatic -meaning it is not really there, but you can make your brain believe it is- and like I have mentioned before, it involves two people -three or more if that's your kink-, so make it fun and dare to try.

Una experiencia sexual gratificante varía de persona a persona, pero la mayoría de las veces está enfocada en disfrutar mientras provees de placer a la otra persona, mientras añades las dosis adecuadas de experimentación.

Esto es en lo que se refiere a el acto sexual en la vida real, donde tienes una amplia gama de estimulos sensoriales a tu disposición, pero ¿qué ocurre con las relaciones basadas en el second life o a larga distancia que hacen uso de herramientas como el Skype y otros medios de comunicación? ahí es cuando la creatividad viene bien.

Solía ser de la opinión de que hacer uso de la voz en el second life era para los holgazanes, ya que puedes obtener el mismo tipo de resultados, ó incluso más con las palabras adecuadas en el momento preciso, esto era hasta que probé lo que Britney en su día se refirió como "Fonografía"

La voz no sólo añade un ingrediente extra a la experiencia, ya que puedes oír como todo lo que haces afecta a la otra persona, incluyendo así un ingrediente extra que te llevá mas cerca del realismo. Recuerda que ya sea en el Skype, por telefono, ó en el SL, la mayoría de el placer sexual que experimentas es psicosomático -es decir que no está presente pero le haces creer a tu cerebro de que es real- y como ya he mencionado en otras ocasiones, el sexo involucra a dos personas -o tres ó mas si es tu rollo-, así que haz del sexo algo divertido y atrevete a probar cosas nuevas.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The string with two ends

I have noticed that people in social platforms, this being second life or any other, have the habit of becoming friends with pretty much anyone. We exchange two words, and sometimes not even that and people get instantly friended and some even go to the extent of making a scene when they are removed because quite frankly, you two barely speak.

The friending protocol varies from person to person, my oldest son won't just go and friend anyone unless he gets to know them really well, which I can respect; I have come to the habit of being picky when adding friends to my list, but truth be told, sometimes if the person I am speaking to happens to have something in common with me, I'll go ahead and add them.

This wasn't always so, as a SL deejay, I felt that the more people I added to my list, the larger group of people I'd manage to get to the set, but experience shows you that this isn't always so and some "friends" will even jump on your IM to ask you not to mass TP them -this is how avatars move in SL by Landmarks or direct teleportation-; this is something that happens to me quite frequently and up until recently, I have respected people's wishes to be skipped from mass TPs, but then I today I got someone who not only requested to be skipped but added "if only we talked, but all I get are tps"

To that I have an answer, friendship is like a rope or a string... it has two ends... your end and mine, friendship is supposed to be reciprocal -the real one-, if not what's the point.

Me ha dado cuenta de que en las plataformas sociales, ya sea esta el second life o cualquier otra, las personas desarrolan el hábito de hacerce amigos de cualquiera. Intercambiamos dos palabras, y a veces incluso menos y las personas se hacen tus amigos de la forma más casual e inmediata, habiendo algunos que te montan una escena cuando los eliminas de tu lista, porque no sólo no tenian nada en común, sino que nunca se hablaban.

El protocolo de amistad varía dependiendo de la persona, my hijo el mayor por ejemplo no se hace amigo de cualquiera sin haberlos conocido en profundidad antes, lo cual puedo respetar; yo he desarrollado el hábito de escoger con cuidado a quien agrego, pero sea dicha la verad, si hay veces en las que hablo brevemente con alguien y encuentro que tenemos cosas en común, los agrego sin más.

Esto no siempre fué así, como deejay en el second life, tenía la idea preconcebida de que mientras más personas agregase a mi lista, la mayor cantidad de personas lograría traer al set, pero la experiencia me ha demostrado que esto no ocurre así, y algunos "amigos" brincarán en los que les mandas un TP -así es como las personas se mueven en el second life, via teleportación o vínculos directos llamados "landmarks"-; esto es algo que me ocurre con cierta frecuencia y hasta hace poco he respetado el deseo de algunos de no ser enviados los TP, pero hoy me llegó alguien que no sólo me pidió que no lo hiciera con él, sino que además agregó: "si tan siquiera hablaramos, pero lo único que recibo son TPs"

Para esto tengo una respuesta, la amistad es como una cuerda con dos finales, el tuyo y el mío, la amistad debe de ser recíproca -la de verdad-, si no cual es el sentido.

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Gym Showers

The recent addition of a gym to our home SIM has brought to me this number of questions and theories I would like to elaborate on as I usually do. What brings out in us, as gay men -this is more focused on us boys even though I always try to be inclusive- the need to attend a gym? Most would say it's the need society has engraved on our brains of having a chiseled near to perfect physique -which takes a lot of work and compromise-.

This concerned to real life, but given the low -almost non-existent- offers when it comes to mostly non-sexual -stress on the mostly non-sexual- SL gyms, I do see where my son's plans were headed when he started the project, a social spot offering something we're lacking with the sexual option there if you'll have it. The gay community is centered, basically and mostly around sex; it is a nice way to kill time, and our avatars don't really need workouts, so there are showers, a massage table and other things to include sex in your overall gym experience, so I do understand the amount of attention the sauna and showers are getting.

But our avatars are influenced by the surroundings, the SL experience is brain centered -censorial to a point- and I have come to enjoy, as many others frequent users now, doing the whole circuit: running, weights, yoga, sauna, followed by a synchronized shower -meaning I shower in RL while my avatar is afk-, this on a daily basis and not always centered on sex -I'll have it if I'm offered, I am a man after all-. When it comes to real life though, I wonder if the showers get the same amount of attention ours in SL get; we do not have the same license to do things -or even get away with things- but after a nice work out, I do find comfort in a long shower and some eye candy, so possibly that is what we find alluring about gyms, workout for the body... and soul.

If you'd like to check it out, grab this towel and sneakers and join us

La reciente adición de un gimnasio al SIM que llamamos hogar, ha traido ha mí muchas preguntas y teorías en las cuales pienso elaborar y compartir con ustedes como ya es costumbre. ¿Qué nos lleva como hombres gay -esto se centra más en los chicos, aunque siempre intento ser tan inclusivo como sea posible- a ir al gimnasio? La mayoría diría que es el concepto que la sociedad ha grabado en nuestro cerebros de tener un físico esculpido que roce la perfección -lo que requiere mucho trabajo y compromiso-.

Esto en lo que se refiere a la vida real, pero dado la poca -casi no existente- oferta de gimnasios en el SL no centrados exclusivamente en el sexo, empiezo a ver donde iban los planes de mi hijo cuando empezó este proyecto, un lugar social que oferte algo de lo que carecemos con la opción sexual, si te apetece. La comunidad gay está centrada, después de todo en el sexo, ya que es una forma estupenda de matar el tiempo, y nuestros avatares no necesitan ejercicio, así que también hay duchas, una mesa de masajes y otras muchas cosas para añadir el sexo a nuestra experiencia general en el gimnasio, así que comprendo la cantidad de tiempo que algunos le dedican a las duchas y la mucha atención que reciben.

Pero nuestros avatares están influenciados por su entorno, la experiencia del SL está centrada en el cerebro -es principalmente sensorial- y he llegado a disfrutar, como muchos usuarios habituales, de hacer el circuito completo: correr, pesas, yoga, sauna, seguido de una ducha sincronizada -es decir que yo me ducho mientras my avatar también lo hace-, esto es algo que hago a diario y no siempre centrado en el sexo -vamos que lo hago si la oportunidad se presenta que no soy de piedra-. Cuando se trata de la vida real, me pregunto si las duchas reciben la misma atención; no tenemos la misma libertad de hacer cosas que en el second life -o de salirnos con la nuestra en algunas- pero depués de una buena rutina de ejercicios, encuentro que alivio en una larga ducha y de algo de entretenimiento para la vista, así que a lo mejor esa sea la atracción que sentimos hacia los gimnasios, ejercicio para el cuerpo... y el alma.

Si quieres echarle un vistazo al gimnasio pilla la toalla y las zapatillas y unetenos.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012


Serendipity means a "happy accident" or "pleasant surprise"; specifically, the accident of finding something good or useful without looking for it. We encounter situations such as this one, more often than we think, and give the difficulty to translate the word, it has been accepted by other languages as it is.; first coined by Horace Walpole on his Persian fairy tale "The Three Princes of Serendip" who throughout the tale, kept making accidental discoveries.

In the movie named after this word, the protagonists decide to rely on happy accidents to dictate the course of their future relationship-to-be, to make a point that maybe fate, destiny or life -even a higher power- wants them together.

Some people believe in destiny and fate, that life has a plan for us and that these random moments of serendipity guide us to the point where we are supposed to be; one of my co-workers in Gayworldsnews, personal friend and one I am happy to call part of my second life family, stumbled upon this candy heart by a mere act of serendipity, he had been munching on candy hearts without stopping to read the messages, and the one heart he stopped to read, was one with the letters FAB on it; it immediately dawned on him as a message from beyond from our dear Fabrice Snook, founder and owner of GWNs, whose dream and legacy we all have promised to carry on, a small reminder that we may headed in the right direction and that his legacy will live on.

Personally, I don't believe in destiny or fate, but I have to admit that there have been times, specially during my second life where I have faced random moments of serendipity which have brought me a lot of joy and have taken me to the point where I am now -specially with my son Skylar, an act of total serendipity-, so maybe Horace Walpole was right, and life is nothing but a complex net of serendipitous acts.

Serendipity significa "accidente feliz" ó "agradable sorpresa"; específicamente, el encontrar algo útil o bueno de forma accidental. Nos enfrentamos a situaciones como esta, más a menudo de lo que nos imaginamos, y dado lo dificil de traducir la palabra, esta ha sido trasladada y aceptada por otros idiomas; creada originalmente por Horace Walpole en su cuento de hadas Persa "los tres principes de Serendip" los cuales durante la historia, se encontraban con estos accidentes felices.

En la película del mismo nombre, los protagonistas deciden de confiar en estos accidentes felices para dictar el curso de su fitura relación, para probar que el destino, o la vida -incluso un poder superior- los quiere juntos.

Algunas personas creen que en el destino, que la vida tiene un plan para nosotros y que estos momentos al azar nos guían a ese punto en el que se supone debemos estar; unos de mi compañeros en Gayworldsnews, amigo personla y uno de los que me enorgullece llamar parte de mi familia en el second life, se encontro de manera accidental con este corazon de caramelo por un simple acto de serendipity, ya que había estado comiendolos de la caja sin prestarle atención a los mensajes que ponían y justo aquel que da la vuelta para leer, leía "FAB", lo que el mismo interpretó como un mensaje del mismo Fabrice Snook, fundador de GWN, cuyo sueño y legado nos hemos prometido mantener con vida.

Yo no creo en el destino, pero he de admitir que han habido momentos, especialmente aquellos en mi second life en los que me he encontrado con momentos de serendipity los que me han traido gran felicidad y me han llevado al punto en el que estoy ahora -especialmente con my hijo Skylar, un acto de total serendipity-, así que a lo mejor Horace Walpole estaba en lo correcto, y la vida sólo es un entretejido de actos complejos de serendipity.

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Saturday, February 18, 2012


Most of the greatest discoveries and advances in all fields, have been done by one single mind who has focused and rejected social interaction, all for the sake of a passion driven goal or a burning need to improve our lives, but there is a need stronger than any of the mentioned above and that is, to be loved, accepted and to find support or shelter in another person or people.

One of the things that the second life platform has taught me is that, in John Donne's immortal words "no man is an island"; you can brag about being self-sufficient, independent and even -pathologically so- almighty, but it can be factual and possible to a point, in the end you will be in need for some cooperative effort to get somewhere. People all come with different talents and perspectives  when it comes to perceiving the world around them, so team work aids one to see things from a different angle and possibly think of things that escaped us.

But beyond our plans and goals as a community, what drives us as humans to be in constant search for that perfect other half? -some call it your soul mates-. According to Aristophanes, in the beginning there were 3 parents, the sun, the moon and the earth, each produced offspring: From sun was produced the man; from earth, the woman; from moon, the androgyne. Each of these three was a double, one head with two faces looking out in opposite directions, four arms and legs, and two sets of genitalia. They moved about on the earth with a great deal more freedom and power than humans do now, for they rolled-ran hand over hand and foot over foot at double speed. They tried to take over mount Olympus at some point and as punishment, Zeus cut them in half -two individuals, sharing a soul-, hence making sure humans were too busy looking for that other half to entertain anything else.

The creatures who had been double women before, naturally sought out women; those who had been androgynous, sought out members of the opposite gender; those who had been double men, sought out the company of men, and not simply for intercourse, but so they could become whole again by being rejoined with their soul mates.

This is of course only mythology, but doesn't stop from being a nice explanation on why we strive and go beyond our comfort zone, risking it all and giving our all to that person we find worthy.

La mayoría de los más grandes descubrimientos de la historia y avances en todo los campos, han sido producto de una mente brillante que ha rechazado al interacción social, todo por un apasionado impulso de mejorar nuestras vidas, pero hay una necesidad aun mayor que esta y es, la de ser amados, aceptados y de encontrar apoyo ó refugio en otra persona o personas.

Una de las cosas que la plataforma del second life me ha enseñado es que, en las inmortales palabras de John Doe "ningún hombre es una isla"; puedes presumir de ser auto suficiente, independiente e incluso -de forma patológica- todo poderoso, y puede que sea posible e incluso factible hasta cierto punto, pero al final necesitaras de un esfuerzo cooperativo para llegar a algún lado. Las personas vienen con talentos y perspectivas distintas, así que el trabajo en equipo siempre ayuda a ver las cosas desde un angulo distinto y de percibir pequelos detalles que puede se nos hayan escapado.

Pero más allá de nuestros planes como comuidad, ¿qué nos empuja como seres humanos a estar en una busqueda constante de nuestra otra mitad perfecta? -algunos lo llaman almas gemelas- Aristofanes decía que al principio de los tiempos habían tres padres que producían descendencia, el sol, la luna y la tierra; del sol nacían los hombres, de la tierra las mujeres y de la luna los andróginos. Cada uno eran dobles, tenian cuatro brazos, piernas y dos pares de genitales. Se movían por la tierra con mucha rapidez y libertad, más que los seres humanos hoy en día, ya que lo hacían al doble de la velocidad. Un día los humanos intentaron tomar el monte Olimpo y como castigo, Zeus los corto a la mitad -dos individuos compartiendo un alma-, así asegurandose que los seres humanos estuvieran demasiado ocupados intentando reunirse con su otra mitad para entretenerse con otra cosa.

Así las criaturas que habían sido doble mujeres, buscaban solo mujeres, los androginos miembros del sexo opuesto y los hombres, hombres, y no sólo para el acto sexual, sino para poder estar reunidos de nuevo con su alma gemela.

Esto por supuesto es sólo mitología, pero no deja de ser una bonita explicación del porque vamós mas allá de nuestra zona de comodidad, arriesgandolo todo para dar aquello que tenemos a aquella persona que consideramos digna.

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Friends in the right places

Having the right friends in the right places works wonders, no matter on which reality or part of the world you are situated; the appropriate muscle can make a huge difference on the final outcome of whatever it is you are trying to achieve.

Some people are born with this social muscle, but in second life, is all about proper networking and meeting the right people; depending on how successfully you manage to make the right friends on the specific area you work at -this being art, fashion or clubbing- the better results you'll get on any project you decide to start at any given time.

There are areas in the world however, when you will get no results, unless you have that social muscle -a powerful friend in that very specific area- or it will take you twice as long to get what you want; this is true for small cities and towns, where everyone is someone's cousin, High-school friend or friend of a friend; so for a person new to the area, it can feel like your first week in second life, when no one knows who you are and you barely have a grasp on where everything is and let alone how it works.

"Friends and good manners will carry you where money won't go." Margaret Walker

Tener amigos en los lugares adecuados hace maravillas, sin importar en que relaidad te desenvuelves ó parte del mundo te encuentras; el "musculo" apropiado puede hacer la diferencia en el resultado final de lo que quiere que sea que tratas de conseguir.

Algunas personas nacen con este musculo, pero en el second life, todo se trata de la socialización apropiada y de conocer a las personas necesarias; dependiendo de cuan exitosa sea tu socialización y de que bien te las manejes en hacer amigos en tú area específica de trabajo -ya sea esta el arte, la moda ó los clubes- mejor será el resultado del proyecto que decides empezar en cualquier momento.

Hay areas del mundo sin embargo, en las que no conseguirás nada, a menos que tengas ese musculo social -un amigo poderoso en esa area de trabajo en la que te mueves- ó por lo menos te tomará el doble conseguir aquello que quieres; esto es especialmente para pequeñas ciudades y pueblos, en los que todos son primos, amigos del instituto ó bien amigos de un amigo; así que para una persona ajena al area, puede parecer como tu primera semana en el second life, cuando no conoces a nadie y apenas te enteras de donde está todo ó como funciona.

"Los amigos y los buenos modales te llevarán a sitios donde el dinero no puede" Margaret Walker

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The growth SPURT

Something I have always strived to achieve as a person, whether this is second life or real life -makes no difference to me, it is still me behind the keyboard- is to serve as an example by remaining true to myself and making sure that both my actions and words match, so I don't go contradicting myself.

Second life has had from its inception, a very unrealistic canon when it comes to height, but most people comply to it even tho noob avatars -at least the old ones- do come in realistic human sized standards; so it makes one wonder who started the titan trend of adults being 7 or 8 feet tall. When I log in and being a father of two, I make every possible effort to keep an open mind and to not judge anyone by what is THEIR CHOICE OF LOOKS, as long as it complies with TOS and they are certified as adults, you are free to roam any adult sim as you see fit -adults playing children have PG sims to reenact their childhood safely-; the thing about SIM owners though is that where some have very specific rules to the type of people they want around and the ones they don't, there are places newly famous and trafficked -for now, things do change in second life- that leave their rules unclear, but not unclear enough so they can grab onto them and use them whenever they see fit, hence benefiting a chosen few and bullying others, submitting them to unfair discrimination; this being the case of Spurts Beach, a somewhat popular place among gay male recently.

One of my good friends had the poor judgement of visiting this place this morning and got approached by one of their "lifeguards", who, and I quote: "and you were looking like 14 or 15 for me and ya know, also yur friend R***** says you are looking like 14" -he even asked for a second opinion wow!-, when I read his facebook status complaining about this, I decided to put this to the test and see for myself, so I got there made a snapshot of the rules -no specific height mentioned, just loosely thrown there "no child avis" to comply of course with TOS and avoid further issues with Linden Labs-; after having done this I proceeded to move there where the crowds and this very friendly lifeguard was protecting the virtue of the titans and overly muscular from the horrid menace that is, slightly shorter people. I was wearing my slightly shorter avatar -even way shorter than my friend I may add- and in good 30 minutes, not once I was approached by any staff to ask me to leave -guess I am not ejecting material-, after contacting the lifeguard who claimed he had not seen me -I spent good 15 minutes not 3 feet away from him- and getting bored with his prattle I decided to approach one of the owners who happened to be online.

Atlas Hammerer, while polite at all times kept contradicting himself with rules that him and the rest of the owners obviously agreed upon, but which are sly and unclear and do leave room in fact for double standards. At first he did not remember who my friend was but when I indicated he had frequented his beach for a good number of months without any previous issues, which was something I found odd, he suddenly remembered "I have noticed him myself"

Sorry people at Spurts, but me and a number of other people who choose to look a certain way, measure a certain height, while complying with TOS will be avoiding Spurts beach from now on -second life is very big and places come and go-. Discrimination is bad, no matter under what context or excuse... so are wytch hunts; the horrible thing here is that only a few not friends of whomever or not famous or influential enough, simply don't get asked to leave, no matter how short and childlike they look.

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Pleasing the crowds

When writing a blog that many people read, you basically do it for a number of reasons, there are the ones that want notoriety, some an outlet to vent and let their creative juices flow, others simply the traffic and attention adsense from google and other types of online profit from the hours and work they put into their own personal space, which is your page.

For me it all started as a paid project at gayworldsnews, led and created by our beloved philanthropic Fabrice Snook (RIP), who made a difference in the way we experience gay second life, either inworld or on social platforms. For a number of reasons, I never saw myself adding more writing hours to my days -that's a real life info you all will have to guess-, specially to my second life / Facebook experience, but for some strange reason, Fabrice thought I'd fit it, and I'm glad he did; working with him was a true privilege and the minor success this blog and gayworldsnews has, both surprises me and honors me in many levels.

For me it's mostly an outlet, a way to share a bit of my second life day to day experience with all of the people out there, familiar with the platform or not, hopefully bringing some light into the marvelous experience that is second life and helping others who might be going through issues similar as mine. After a while, you start becoming a public figure, at first you are not really aware of how far your words go and how many people it reaches, until you start to accidentally "pleasing the crowds"

I don't entertain extra-marital sex much, unless the person pushes the right buttons and it sticks to what it is. I do have this verbal agreement -discussed and negotiated- with my SL partner, that during long periods of ofline time on his part, I am free to play, as long as he doesn't get replaced, or I don't do things I only do with him -yes, I won't elaborate on this either-, so it works for us both as a couple.

It dawned on me that, as of today I won't have private, discreet sex in SL, as the last three people I have done it with, have turned out to be blog fans and readers of yours truly, which is fabulous but a little weird, since I am told this fact... afterwards -so there are people actually coming online, wanting to meet me and then leading to sex-; there are many ways to please the crowds, I guess writing is just the one of them.

Cuando escribes un blog con muchos seguidores, lo haces principalmente por un numero de razones, los hay que lo hacen por notoriedad, algunos buscan simplemente una salida para sus jugos creativos, otros simplemente el tráfico y la atención que adsense, google y otras vias de generar ingresos en la red aportan al trabajo y horas que invierten en su tiempo libre y tu espacio personal, que es tu pagina.

Para mí todo empezó como un proyecto pagado en gayworldsnews, dirigido y creado por nuestro querido filantropo Fabrice Snook (QEPD), el cual hizo una diferencia en la manera que experimentamos la sociedad gay en el second life e incluso en las plataformas sociales fuera de este. Por un número de razones, no me veía invirtiendo más horas escribiendo en linea -esto es algo de información de la vida real que van a tener que adivinar o suponer- en mi experiencia del second life / Facebook, pero por alguna razón que desconozco, Fabrice pensó que encajaría en su equipo, y me alegro que así fuera; trabajar con él fué una experiencia increible y todo un privilegio, y el pequeño exito que este blog y gayworldsnews tiene, me sorprende y honra en muchos niveles.

Para mí, escribir es una vía de escape, una forma de dar rienda suelta a todo lo que pienso y de compartir my experiencia del second life con todo aquellos ahí fuera, familiarizados ó no con la plataforma, esperando arrojar algo de luz a lo que es mi experiencia del second life y ofreciendo algo de ayuda a todos aquellos que pueden estar pasando por situaciones similares a la mía. Después de un tiempo haciendo esto, te das cuenta de que te has convertido en un personaje público, al principio no te das cuenta de ello, ni del alcance que tienen tus palabras ó a cuantas personas llegan, hasta que empiezas a accidentalmente "complacer a las masas"

No suelo practicar el sexo extra marital con asiduidad, al menos que la persona me guste y se concentre en lo que realmente es. Si tengo este acuerdo verbal -discutido y negociado- con mi pareja en el second life, que durante largos períodos en los que él no esté conectado, soy libre de hacer y deshacer, siempre que no lo reemplace, y no haga cosas que sólo hago con él -esto tampoco lo voy a explicar-, así que funciona para ambos como pareja.

Esta semana caí en la cuenta, que ha dí ade hoy, el sexo privado y discreto en el second life ya no es posible, ya que las últimas tres personas con las que lo he practicado, han resultado ser fans y lectores de esta página, lo que me parece fantástico pero un poco raro, ya que me entero de esto... después -así que hay personas conectadose y buscando conocerme con intención ó no de que acabe en sexo-; hay muchas formas supongo de complacer a las masas, y escribir es sólo la primera.

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Sunday, February 12, 2012


Relationships are basically complicated, this when it is going somewhere and not just based on sex; once the initial fire of passion dies off, all you are left with is a nice solid friendship, that is if you have taken the time to get to know each other that well.

Real Life and Second life relationships are mostly about interaction of all kinds, hence making your bonds stronger, but more so second life ones which are mostly, long distance relationships and based on the platform, first and foremost.

So all of the interaction that you both have sticks to logging in and simulating real life, and most of the time it can get very close to reality; I've heard of people who have crossed the RL / SL line and have met when distance and time has made it possible. But when the usual interaction channels are severed, how do you deal with distance? do you patiently wait until it's all fixed or rush to move on? are you the type of person that believes that timing is also an ingredient when it comes to love?

I don't believe in fate or destiny, or love at first sight. Relationships take time, work and a clear compromise from both people involved for it to work; most things in life you can do on your own, eating, sleeping, travelling, but relationships, like sex and tango, involves -at least- two people for it to mean something, or else you end up doing all the work and looking funny, it does take two to tango, try doing it alone and you'll see what I mean.

Actions speak louder than words... keep that in mind.

Las relaciones son basicamente bastante complejas, esto se refiere cuando progresan a algún lado y no sólo se basan en el sexo; una vez que la pasión inicial ha menguado, todo lo que te queda es una amistad solida, esto si te has tomado la molestia de conocer a la otra persona en profundidad.

Las relaciones, ya sean estas en el second life ó la vida real se basan en la interacción de todo tipo, haciendo que vuestros vínculos se estrechen, pero más incluso en el second life, donde las relaciones son todas a distancia y virtualizan la interación de pareja en el simulador.

Así que toda la interacción que ambos teneis se limita a conectarte y simular la vida, y muchas veces puede llegar a ser bastante intensa y real a la vida real; he oido historias de personas que han cruzado la linea del second life  y se han conocido cuando la distancia y el tiempo lo ha permitido. Pero cuando los canales usuales son rotos por cualquiera que sea la razón, ¿cómo te enfrentas a la distancia? ¿esperas pacientemente hasta que todo se arregle o sigues adelante con tu vida? ¿Eres el tipo de persona que cree que el tiempo perfecto es parte también del amor?

No creo en el destino, ni en el amor a primera vista. Las relaciones toman tiempo y trabajo además de un compromiso claro por ambas partes para que funcione; hay muchas cosas en la vida que puedes hacer a solas, comer, dormir, viajar, pero las relciones, como el sexo y el tango necesitan -al menos- dos personas para que tenga algún significado, ó acabas haciendo todo el trabajo tú solo ó haciendo el tonto, hacen falta dos para bailar un tango, intenta bailarlo sólo y sabrás a lo que me refiero.

Las acciones hablan más alto que las palabras, tenlo siempre presente... 

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Million Pennies

This blog being a reference of either trending topics and things happening in my life -this including my day to day ramblings which I am honored you take the time to read and share-, I felt I had to give my two cents on the JC Penny / Ellen Degeneres / One "million" moms failed attempt of boycott.

I firmly believe that equality, worldwide, will happen; it is unstoppable. Minorities never ask to be considered equals, they don't want to be like everybody else, they have their own identity and ways to see the world, they just want equal rights.

Ellen Degeneres, more specifically, like any other public figure has every right to represent whomever she so chooses and so does the company that decides to make her a spokesperson -that's basically their prerogative-
When people hide behind a "label" -or give others a label as an excuse to hate-, no matter under what context or situation, it's plainly and by concept wrong.

My Name is Spike Clémenceau-Silent and I am first and foremost a person, secondly a father of two -both of whom I try to teach right from wrong by giving a good example- and last but not least gay. My family -and the concept of families worldwide and in  society- is changing and evolving; I love my family, I like looking after them and making sure they are happy and safe and I am sure this same applies to all families out there, "conservative" or not.

Here's a word of advice to all haters out there, who feel they have every right to get on a moral high horse and look down on people: there's no absolute truth in life, such thing doesn't exist, live and let live... mind your own business as the LGTB has enough to worry about already; we serve as role models to our children and hate, no matter under what excuse is always wrong, I'd worry about that hate message you are teaching if I were you. If you on the other hand wish to show support, here's the right group to like on facebook

Este blog, siendo siempre una referencia a tópicos actuales ó incluso cosas que ocurren en my vida -esto incluye mis desvaríos diarios que me honra que lean y compartan-, sentí que tenía que dar mi perspectiva sobre el boycott fallido hacia Ellen Degeneres / JC Penny / y el grupo one "million" moms en facebook

Creo firmemente que la igualdad, en todo el mundo, courrirá; es imposible de parar. La minorías nunca ha pedido ser considerados iguales, no desean ser como los demás, estos tienen su propia identidad y formas de ver el mundo, sólo desean igualdad de derechos.

Ellen Degeneres, más específicamente, cómo cualquier otra figura pública tiene todo el derecho de representar a quien le apetezca y también lo tiene la compañía que le hace su portavoz -es su elección después de todo-. Cuando las personas se esconden detrás de una etiqueta -o se la ponen a otros con la misión principal de socabar y odiar-, da igual bajo que concepto o situación, es simplemente y por concepto básico, muy malo.

Mi nombre es Spike Clémenceau-Silent y soy ante todo una persona, en segundo lugar padre de dos -ambos a los que intento enseñar la diferencia entre lo que está mal y lo que está bien- y por último pero no menos importante, gay. Mi familia -y el concepto de familias en todo el mundo y en la sociedad- está cambiando y evolucionando; amo a mi familia, me gusta cuidar de ellos y velar por su bienestar y felicidad y los mismo se aplica a todas las familias ahí fuera, ya sean "conservadoras" ó no.

He aquí un pequeño consejo para todos los que deciden odiar a otros, y que sienten tienen todo el derecho de montarse en su caballo de superioridad moral para mirar por encima del hombro a otros: no existe la verdad absoluta en la vida, tal cosa no existe, vive y deja vivir... ocupate de tus asuntos y dejad a la comunidad LGBT tranquila que ya tenemos bastante de lo que preocuparnos; servimos de modelos a seguir para nuestros hijos y el odio, da igual bajo que excusa, es malo. Yo me preocuparía en el mensaje de odio que le estoy inculcando a mis hijos si fuese tú. Y para aquellos que desean apoyar al grupo correcto, aqui está el vinculo

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