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Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year Resolutions

There are always a number of things we wish to change or improve about ourselves, and days such as New Years offer us the chance to do some introspection, carefully inspecting our rights and wrongs and making promises of things which most of the time, we won't carry to completion.

Pottery classes, a new language, perhaps some minor surgery to look better. I personally don't go for anything big when planning for the new year; all I want out of the new year is for my family, this being second life or real life to be happy, to grow as an individual with each thing life throws at me and learn from it.

I won't refuse some celebrational sex though, so let's see if anyone out there is up to the challenge. As always, drive safe, don't drink and drive and if your engaging recreational nudity, use protection. To all of the readers out there, Happy New Year 2012 and thank you for the support and comments, I may not reply quickly but I do take the time to read them all and any feedback is always appreciated

Siempre hay cosas que deseamos cambiar ó mejorar en nosotros mismos, y en días llenos de introspección como lo es la víspera de Año Nuevo, revisamos cuidadosamente, todo lo bueno y lo malo sobre el año que se va e incluso haciendo promesas sobre planes, que la mayoría de las veces no llegaremos a completar.

Clases de cerámica, aprender un nuevo idioma, a lo mejor incluso un poco de cirugía estética para vernos mejor. Yo en el plano personal no suelo hacer planes demasiado elaborados para el futuro; todo lo que deseo es que mi familia sea feliz -ya sea esta mi familia del second life ó la no virtual-, crecer como persona y aprender de todo lo que la vida me ofrece.

No le haré ascos a un poco de sexo celebracional, así que ya veremos si alguien allí fuera está por la labor.Como siempre aconsejo, conducid con seguridad, no bebas y conduzcas y si planeas entretener algo de nudez recreacional con alguien, usa protección. A todos mis lectores y seguidores, gracias por el apoyo continuado y un muy feliz 2012. Puede que no conteste a todos los mensajes con rapidez, pero todos son leídos y la critica muy bienvenida.

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Let them Have Cake...

Marie Antoinette was always in my opinion, the victim of really bad marketing and PR, she was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, victim -like all public figures suffer at some point- of vicious rumors and half truths that were most likely taken out of context.

When you start being mildly popular or successful in your job field, whether this is on a virtual platform or not, you will always be the subject to people talking about you without your knowledge and most of the time, information being spread, that might or might not be entirely true.

The key here is though, to be able to use all of that talk and unwanted exposure to your advantage, something that poor Marie there failed to do. Many of my in-world friends or Facebook acquaintances -even myself- are victims of talk and not so well meant oriented comments on their activities quite often; so what do you do when this happens? do you let it take its natural course and inevitably fade or do you run and hide for cover, fearing that people might actually believe what's being said.

In Marie's immortal -and never uttered words, according to some experts- "Let them have cake"

Maria Antonieta fué siempre en mi opinion, la víctima de un marketing pésimo y de unas PR bastante penosas, ella simplemente se encontró siempre en el lugar y momento equivocado, víctima de lo que considero -como le pasa a todas las figuras públicas en algún momento- rumores viciosos y perversos ó de medias verdades sacadas de contexto.

Cuando empiezas a ser medianamente popular en tu campo laboral, ya sea este el de una plataforma virtual ó no, siempre te verás sometido a que la gente hable sobre tí, ya sea esto a sabiendas tuyas ó no y la mayoría de las veces, que la información divulgada no sea del todo verídica.

La clave está en usar toda esa información y habladurías en tu propio beneficio, algo a lo que la pobre María le falló. Muchos de mis amigos en second life ó conocidos del Facebook -incluyendome a veces- son víctimas de habladurías y de comentarios no bien intencionados, sobre sus prácticas en varios campos; ¿qué hacer entonces en estos casos? ¿dejas que corra su curso natural y se desvanesca inevitablemente? ¿o permites que te afecte y corres a esconderte por temor a lo que se esté diciendo se te pegue como un estigma?

En las inmortales palabras -y nunca dichas de acuerdo con algunos expertos- de María Antonieta "Dejadlos que coman tarta"

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Relationship maths, when two negatives make a positive

A nice solid relationships that completes you is the eternal puzzle through which most people go both in second life and real life. What does it take really to find that perfect match that will both love you and understand you for everything you are and are not?

People are generally complex and sometimes feeling lonely will make one go to any lengths to accommodate a special someone you find worthy. But accommodating anyone will always be -in my honest opinion the kiss of death-, since you find yourself being something that you are not, to keep someone happy and by your side -accommodating is not the same as making compromises, that's a whole other area-

You have to leave room for compromises, sacrificing a thing or two or making room for this person to click and fit perfectly in your imperfect equation, because when it comes to relationships, maths are usually applied, two negatives will make a positive, or simply put, two wrongs will make a right; being upfront and honest and negotiating relationship terms as things get serious also helps save you a few surprises and issues in the long run, because the keyword in a relationship is trust.

Una Relación solida y seria que te complete es el rompecabezas eterno por el que muchas personas pasan, ya sea en el second life ó en la vida real. ¿Qué hace falta para encontrar esa mitad perfecta que te amará y comprederá por todo aquello que eres y no eres?

Las personas, por regla general son entes complejos y a veces sentirte solo, hará que recurras a cualquier método, para acomodar a esa persona especial que consideras digna de tu tiempo y esfuerzo. Pero el acomodar ó cambiar cosas por alguien siempre será -en mi opinión personal- el beso de la muerte-, ya que te encuentras siendo algo ó alguien que realmente no eres, para mantener a una persona a tu lado -acomodar no es lo mismo que hacer sacrificios, esa es un area totalmente distinta-

Siempre debes dejar sitio para los compromisos, sacrificar una cosa o dos e incluso hacer sitio para todas aquellas imperfecciones de tu otra mitad, para que pueda hacer un click perfecto en tu equación, porque cuando se trata de las relaciones, las matemáticas siempre son aplicadas; dos negativos se convierten en un positivo, ó puesto de manera más simple, dos cosas malas hacen una buena; ser completamente sincero desde el principio también funciona, esto ayuda a negociar los terminos de la relación y te ahorra una sorpresa ó dos en el futuro, porque en todas las relaciones, la palabra clave es la confianza.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thanks to you...

"Understanding and Healing Homosexuality, someone you know needs this book" 2 of the 3 companies selling this book on their websites and and shelves have uncatalogued it and published public apologies on their Facebook  pages and twitter  feeds.

Both companies have stated that they are simple exercising their right to sell anything that is legally qualified as "book", published and recognized as such, not exactly sharing the views or opinions expressed by the author; nevertheless, the book is no longer available on either shop anywhere in Spain or online.

Amazon Spain however has not uncatalogued it yet, despite the fact that over 33000 petitions have been signed over the last 24 hours, showing that when people voice their discontent and act together, change is possible. On behalf of  Fran Ferri -the person who started promoting this initiative-, myself and all of those who shared the link so people could become aware and act on it, many thanks.

"Comprender y Sanar la homosexualidad, alguien que tu conoces necesita este libro" 2 de las 3 compañias, vendiendo y/o promoviendo el libro en España, ya sea en sus tiendas online ó en mostradores, han descatalogado el citado libro y publicado disculpas publicas en sus páginas de Facebook  & twitter .

Ambas compañias han mencionado en dichos comunicados, a modo de disculpa, que sólo ejercitan su derecho a vender y promover cualiquier libro catalogado legalmente como tal, compartan ó no, las opiniones expresadas por el autor en el mismo; sin embargo, el hecho está en que dicho libro a sido retirado rápidamente por ambas compañias y ya no está disponible en ningún sitio en España o en sus tiendas online.

Amazon España aún no a descatalogado el libro, y sigue disponible -a pesar del hecho de que se han recogido alrededor de 33 mil firmas en menos de 24 horas-, demonstrando una vez más de que el cambio es posible, cuando la gente se organiza y muestra su descontento de forma pública. En nombre de Fran Ferri -promotor de esta iniciativa- y de todos aquellos que nos involucramos directamente para hacer conocer este hecho, muchas gracias.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2012 THE WORLD ENDS... are you ready?

2012 according to some scholars, superstitious folks and so called experts and their meticulous research, it is the year marked by the Aztec Calendar stone as the end of times.

Yes, these people who used the stone for ritual sacrifices, took the time to do some careful maths, because they were so advanced on their foresight and decided to give us all a little heads up so we could all be ready -Ok, now I'm abusing sarcasm-

Unless an Aztec from that time comes and tell us all what the hell they really used the stone for, they are all theories; no scholar has the absolute truth on this and even if the so called calendar stone is indeed a calendar, they most likely either ran out of space or gave up counting -think about it, how many calendars we currently use end on December 31 and yet a new year begins and ends in the exact same cycle?-

I could be wrong -slim option but it's there- and 2012 could be indeed the end of times... so here are a few useful tips to help you on your way to a sweet Armageddon.

A. Get yourself a hot soldier to protect you as chaos hits the streets
B. Find yourself a nuclear refuge to patiently wait with your hunky soldier
C. Forget safe sex, the world is ending, chances are you will not make it to replenish the earth of inhabitants -wait you're gay and so is the soldier, so scratch that-
D. Food storage in the form of cans will help heaps, water provisions too -we can't survive on sex alone, no matter how hot the soldier is-

And while we get there, just have fun and try to make the best out of what you have been given in life, end of days upon us or not.

2012 es el año en el que, de acuerdo a varios expertos, escolares y entes supersticiosos , conclusión a la que han llegado a través de un estudio laborioso a la vez que meticuloso, es el año que marcaron los Aztecas como el del final de los tiempos.

Efectivamente, estas personas que solían usar esta y otras piedras para sacrificios rituales, se tomaron el tiempo de hacer cálculos matemáticos complejos, porque poseían una perspectiva del futuro tan avanzada a sus tiempos, que decidieron avisarnos a todos para que pudiéramos prepararnos con tiempo -vale, puede que ahora esté abusando del sarcasmo-

A menos que un Azteca de aquellos tiempos venga u nos explique para que era que realmente usaban la tan citada piedra , lo que todos tenemos son sólo teorías; ningún escolar ó experto tiene la verdad absoluta en este tema o para que se usaba la tan nombrada piedra Calendario realmente, o si de verdad era un calendario; lo más seguro es que se hayan quedado sin espacio o simplemente aburrido de contar -pensadlo bien, ¿cuantos calendarios se acaban el 31 e Diciembre, sólo para empezar uno nuevo con el ciclo exacto sin que pase nada?-

Puede que me equivoque -las opciones son mínimas pero están ahí- y que el 2012 sea en realidad el final de los tiempos... así que aquí van algunos consejos para un muy dulce Armagedón.

A. Consigue un soldado que esté muy bueno, para que te proteja en lo que el caos llega a las calles.
B. Pilla algún refugio nuclear, para esperar pacientemente con tu soldado.
C. Olvídate del sexo seguro, estadísticamente no sobrevivirás para repoblar la tierra así que ya da igual -vale tu y el son gays, así que olvídate de lo de repoblar la tierra- 
D. Aprovisionamiento de agua y comida seguro ayuda a la supervivencia, no podemos sobrevivir solo de sexo, por muy bueno que esté el soldado.

Y en lo que llega el apocalipsis, disfruta de la vida y saca provecho de lo que esta te ha ofrecido, fin de los días o no.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Homosexuality is a disease...

This is according to Richard Cohen, now I see how he'd have "some" market in the USA and some american countries -I am American, on the exile but American, so I am not being mean just a realist- where Christians and the extreme right have a lot of weight and market to pull from and make yourself a career out of "counseling", but in European Countries, specially one like Spain where equality has been achieved ages ago and homosexuality normalized, having 3 main stores selling one of his books is simple unacceptable, since in my opinion sends the wrong message.

I encourage you all, in Spain or not to sign the petition to get this book off the shelves in Spain -It's added on the left side of this article for your convenience. People can make a change, and telling new generations that homosexuality is a disease that can be cured through counselling, it's just wrong.

Según Richard Cohen, la homosexualidad puede ser curada, veo como esto puede de tener algo de mercado y seguidores en Estados Unidos -lo siento pero es así, la derecha y los extremistas son muchos más que en Europa-, y hacer que el tenga un base suficiente como para que esta persona haga carrera "aconsejando" a otros, pero en España, donde la homosexualidad goza de igualdad de derechos, el hecho de que tres grandes superficies comercialicen el libro es simplemente inadmisible.

Exhorto a todos los lectores, Españoles o no, a firmar la petición para la retirada de este libro en España -El widget está añadido a la derecha del artículo para vuestra conveniencia. El cambio es posible, muchas sociedades así lo han demostrado, y decirles a estas alturas a las nuevas generaciones que la homosexualidad es una enfermedad que puede ser curada, está muy mal.

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Sex Engines...

A sex engine in second life is that which makes beds and various furniture fulfill their life purpose, which is to provide sex for the couple or group of people it is programmed for, but this article is not about sex beds and the likes of it, it is about our impulse to associate motorized vehicles with sex.

It specially applies to us guys, if we ever hit a crisis of some sort that threatens our sexual identity, the first obvious choice will be a shiny long thing that purrs like a kitten and will get everyone's attention.

But when we're not compensating, we're bombarded often -no matter if you're gay or straight, there's semi nude people rubbing themselves on top of cars on the internet enough to redecorate the sistine chapel- with images that tell our heads that sex and engines are the same thing, and that sexy people have powerful engines.

I don't know about you, but sex in cars is generally uncomfortable -at least from my experience- so why are cars, boats, motorcycles and other vehicles always linked directly with sex and sexual situations? because sex simply put, sells.

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

TAKE ME! Shopping

I had a discussion on this very topic last night during my Xmas Eve celebrations with a friend who is being pestered by a person who is expecting sex any time soon -asking quite bluntly for it in fact- and who is not exactly spiking any interest other than amusement.

The thing is that my friend does not want to close the "potential sex buddy" door, just in case... so chat continues as he is strung along for days and days and chat, text messages and negotiations on a sex encounter that may never happen, get steamier.

So I suggested, shopping. This person gets told off on a daily basis and he just won't quit on his efforts to get laid, so I figured some shopping and a nice day out for the both of them might do him well; you want a piece of me so bad? prove it by showing me a good time for a few days before I get naked and on all fours.

Is this ethical? isn't it prostitution on some level? perhaps, but if you want a person so bad, that you put all your efforts and free time, using all means of communication possible in order to get sex, -one night of wild meaningless sex- the person you are trying to talk into it and who doesn't find you to be all that but is willing to keep you around just in case, should see you put your money where your mouth is and at least get something out of it, before you climax and poof into the random sex group partners that never call back.

One of my friends did this and was shown a good time for a few weeks, got some nice things out of it and yes, after two or three sex encounters, the guy never called back, but overall it was not a total loss.

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

My Christmas Wish List

As a person, before and above being a gay man, like all people there are many things I'd wish to see under the tree; we all have objects we want and hope to get for Christmas, most of them due to our exposure to the information we are bombarded with daily, but there are a number of other things of more relevance you want, depending on who are you in life and on what social sector you're in.

As a gay father I want my gay sons to grow up happy, safe and in a world where they will not suffer what I went through when coming out, a society where kids will not be bullied into suicide and bullies will not walk out unpunished. I want sexuality to no longer be an issue and your orientation not being assumed as "straight" by your parents or relatives, because it what is expected or regarded as normal. I want them both to know that above all, their happiness it's my goal, even to the point of risking them hating me on occasion for trying to get them there.

As a family member, I want to spend the holidays with my real life and second life relatives, share the joy of Christmas -or whatever it is that you celebrate- and be reminded that, no matter how hard our times might be, we have each other and there are things worth celebrating and fighting for.

As a public figure, it is my constant wish to inspire, to make people think and to entertain, share my words, my designs and my music with them who wish to; sometimes I push the limits while getting there, but life is not conventional, or at least not in the way I see it, it's an adventure worth to be flavored and enjoyed.

Once again and hoping you have a happy and safe holiday season with your loved ones, A very Merry Christmas from my family to yours.

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Friday, December 23, 2011

The Cup..

In these days of holiday season, partying and quiet reflection about the upcoming year, it is always wise to plan ahead. There are many methods about doing this, you can make a list to follow with things you want to improve or change, you can improvise while focusing on a goal -play it by ear kind of concept., but what I have found to be more effective is a mental picture a friend gave me recently.

Imagine that you have 2 cups, in one you fill all your have, your past, your belongings and responsibilities, everything that it's past goes in there. When you're done filling that cup, it goes to a locked drawer; no one can open it or see what's inside but you.

Then on top of the drawer you have an empty cup, exactly like the one in the drawer, but empty. This is your future, your dreams, your plans, your imagination, everything you expect to happen will come from there and is there, on top of the desk for everyone to see.

Sometimes we pretend to fill the cup which is on top of the desk and meant to be empty with things from the cup in the drawer, thinking this will help, but that is not often the case, that cup like the new year has to be filled with new things, which will make the ones in store, better.

I plan to keep that cup empty and fill the other one with new things which will become my experiences, because, what's past is past and can only do one thing and that is holding you back.

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Love-shack... Let's Love-shack baby

It being Second Life or Real life, moving in together is always a big step that requires deep thought and reflection. It may sound fun to have that special someone within reach 24 / 7 -some may even see it as an all you can eat buffet of your hunky better half- but do remember that there will always need to be room for compromises when accommodating a person in your very own sanctum of privacy.

Is not all about the sex, even thought the first few weeks will be all about that -hence the term love-shack- running around naked and christening or defiling every place of the house with some one on one loving, but once it all cools off is all about "learning" to be together.

Learning to work your way around each other's routines and habits you were previously unaware of can be fun and complex, but the key word is "respect"; those things were there before, you just didn't know they existed and it is only your good disposition, love and understanding which will make the experience rewarding and worth the effort.

Always keep your expectations real or on the low side, the happily ever after concept only works in fairy tales and movies, not in real life; getting unreal expectations from it will only either make you miserable when they are not met or end it all very soon. What brought this love-shack rant on? well, my second life better half just moved in with me today, so I figured I'd share this news and my input on the whole thing with all of you

Remember what Raymond Hull once said "All marriages are happy, it's the living together afterwards what causes the trouble"

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

'Tis the season to be...

...Generous, no matter the faith you follow in life, the Christmas spirit is about giving and receiving, having that selfless act or gesture for a loved one that means you have put some careful thought into their wishes all year, and are willing & able to play Santa; so when in doubt about that perfect gift why not doing some unwrapping under the mistletoe?

I have to admit I did this once a few Christmases ago -or someone did me for Xmas, I get lost on the specifics- and the results had me smiling wide for quite a few days, yes... the presents were nice too, but there is something about getting frisky with the balls that will put anyone into the holiday spirits, specially when you have a sexy Santa all oiled up and ready to stuff your stocking.

So whether you have been naughty or nice, start accessorizing and beautifying those bits properly before the event is upon us, because whether you are in a relationship or facing the festivities single, you never know what Santa will have waiting for you under that tree.

Chances are I will continue to write over the next few days, about my daily happenings or anything I find interesting or worth sharing, but if you plan on traveling and will be away from the internet, let this be my public demonstration of best wishes and safe traveling -if you're going to be doing that.

Merry Xmas to you all and thank you once again for reading me daily and for sharing me with your friends. I am truly honored that not only you get to read and like but also take the time to tell your friends about the site.

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Family Sex (2)

Turning wondering heteros into flaming homosexuals is one of the most fantasized happenings for the gay community, but what happens when the potential bed partner, formerly straight was one of your relatives ex-spouse or boyfriend at some point? do you draw the line right there or go for it?

Fantasies are that for a reason, there are no collateral damages to clean up after or long explanations to undergo with the affected parties. You imagine it, you make it happen in your head, you use it to reach orgasm and no one gets hurt. The problem lies when the person is interested in you and you are ambivalent of your final choice.

My father used to say that there are no long term secrets in life, everything gets exposed eventually, so you have to be extra careful that your actions match your words -simply put, don't do anything that you will regret later, no matter how much you think you can get away with-. There are some lines in real life and second life that are better not crossed, sleeping with someone's ex or current partner being one of the big no nos

Sex is sex I always say, it's primal, it's like eating, when you gotta do it, you gotta do it, but what differentiates us from animals is that we get to pick who we go primal with.

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

All I want for Xmas is you...

Christmas time is for many cultures that time of year when we look back and get some retrospection over the soon to be past year -you do get to do this three times if you are American, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years-

There are paths you take and places you go as a person during the course of your year -mostly justified by your own logic or set of moral rules-, choices you make and things you would have rather not said or done, but which you thought meant happiness; most of the time, it is at times such as the holiday season when, mostly fueled by alcohol or triggered by things around you, when all is brought into perspective and what really matters just shows.

So whether is real life or second life, if you have not taken the time to tell the people around you, those who really matter how you really feel, if there is a close relative you have not talked to in a while, if you are mad at your father or if there is that hunky neighbor or person on your friendlist that you have not worked up the courage to talk to, don't dilly dally or beat around the bush any longer, do as the song says and just go point blank and to the point "all I want for Xmas is you" 

You don't know how much longer you are going to be here, so why linger over stuff when you can just be frank and have a merry old time?

I end this post with a fabulous version of an old time classic which mostly -MOSTLY- inspired this article -hey, we all have unresolved issues-

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Will & Grace: the other "GAY marriage"

Of all the possible relationship combinations that exist in life, one that was recently popularized by a TV show and which happens more often than people would imagine is the somewhat dysfunctional Will & Grace relationship combo.

He's gay, cute, successful & single and so is she, they have been friends forever and even move in together at some point; they are for all intends and purposes a couple.
Are faghag / gay unions factual and possible in the long run? Does this bond fade when one of them finds happiness on a meaningful relationship that includes sex? It should not be the case if Love is true & the friendship strong -i.e. One is not using the other to compensate for having a crappy love life, until mr. Right comes along-

One of the things I've learned in life and which makes me frown when sectors strongly opposse gay unions is that happiness, families and bonds are like balloons... Come in all shapes and sizes but the final use is still the same

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Sex Evolution

As you get old and your sex experience improves, so does you general intercourse protocol. When you are a teenager is all about doing it, doing it often and doing it all the time, same applies to when you are on your twenties but your a bit more experienced so you go from doing it like bunnies to actually have a taste on who you interact with, there's the added factor however of getting to the point when you've tried it all before your bits get flabby - a very common fear among the gay community who have the general opinion that 30 and upwards is the end of fabulousness-

But then as you grow older and more experienced, sex gets to new levels of complexity, the things that turned you on and you fantasized about in the past lose their glitter and shine and achieving orgasm at all cost is no longer the one goal that drives your sex life -which does help improve your overall intercourse-.

Time in second life moves differently tho, a bit faster than that of real life -no real explanation but evolution and personal growth varies slightly and you do move quicker through personal experiences and growth, something I have pointed out in earlier posts- and surprisingly, so does you second life sex experience.

When you log in for the first time and you learn you can have sex if you snatch the right parts, is all about getting some of that and as much as you can, but then as you get deeper into the experience -I believe it was the first thing I went around looking for, but not something I am after as a main goal in second life lately- you learn there are so many options out there to improve the experience and which does indeed make a difference.

Like the old saying goes: "Is not about the destination but the road traveled", simply put is not all about cumming but how you get there...

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Power is something that is given to those who don't want it and most of the time refused to those who only look for it. In Plato's immortal words, "The measure of a man is what he does with power", there are many people in life who will go to any lengths in order to get some kind of power and second life is no different.

Sex play can be an exchange of power, the DOM top and the SUB bottom, giving and taking power principle but what happens when people use sex as a weapon to climb the social, laboral or any other type of power structure ladder? what to do when a person approaches you or anyone in your circle playing the innocent little creature and manages to climb its way up in a rather speedy fashion through orgasms?

There was a political figure and a very famous one for loving the ladies -I'll let you guess about that one- who said that he never slept with the same woman for too long as there was information that could be either: leaked, abused, mishandled or received when a man had just exited a powerful orgasm, as you do not think clearly, so it was best to save himself the grief of doing the clean up later.

I guess on some sense he was right, there are some things you simply do not mix; the responsibility of losing face to those who depend on you, due to having the wrong influence in the bedroom, being one of them.

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Canada quits Kyoto climate pact

(CNN) -- Canada officially renounced the expiring Kyoto Protocol on Monday, a day after international negotiators agreed to extend the treaty's limits on carbon emissions blamed for a warming climate.

Environment Minister Peter Kent said Ottawa would keep working to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and help negotiate a new framework for a global pact. But in a statement to reporters on his return from last week's climate conference in South Africa, Kent said that for Canada, Kyoto "is in the past."

Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservative government has long opposed the Kyoto protocol, and Kent told delegates at last week's Durban conference that the previous government never should have agreed to it. He said Kyoto's goals were unworkable because the United States and China, the world's two largest sources of carbon emissions, never agreed to the treaty.

The opposition New Democratic Party has accused the government of "standing up for big polluters" at the expense of ordinary Canadians and risking the country's reputation by abandoning Kyoto.

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Let's go Nuts about Balls

I came to discover to my dismay recently, that as perfect and natural as X4 male genitalia looks and "feels", you can resize the whole thing, shrink it a bit, make it tilt, bring it back or a little further, but one thing you cannot do, is change the size separately.

I would not mind paying a little extra for some customizable testicles that adjust to our unique anatomic responses, I am after all a lover of balls; I admit it, shrunk, low hanging, hairy or shaved... I firmly believe that they are so unsung when it comes to our genitalia.

But none of that when it comes to the X4 -for those uninformed is the Penis attachment you buy and wear in secondlife-, apparently to have a different set of balls, you need to go to the Xcite shop and buy another different set and then update on their website and synchronize them in-world.

Speaking of unsung anatomic responses, I wonder if linden labs and Xcite are in negotiations to add avatar physics to penises -oh yes, that horrid programming that is making millions of happy women and men in-world have the opportunity to watch their butts, bellies and breasts jiggle like jell-o-, that's some rightful use of avatar physics right there and one I constantly wonder on why it has not been added yet... after all, there's some swinging down there in real life to go nuts about.

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

STRONG HATE: Rick Perry and Faith as a Weapon

He is being qualified on social platforms as the next Voldemort and his hateful speech in generating all sorts of reports and people moving in crowds towards youtube so the hateful speech videos get unposted.

This one and the other number of them which are also priceless, are the least popular on the site and also among the most reported or flagged as inappropriate. Curiously, the poster or site have disabled comments on them, so I am guessing it's right to throw hateful electoral speech, but accepting criticism from users on what you have posted is not possible.

I don't know about you, but not only have I flagged them as inappropriate content but I have also decided to spread the word on how youtube and specially Rick Perry are using elections as an excuse to violate their own terms of service, let's see how long it takes them to remove the videos.

Here's the video in question so you can flag it as I did. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want him as president.

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Saturday, December 10, 2011


The Internet and social platforms such as second life, give one the opportunity to explore many things, but second life has that added option of building yourself an alter ego, a virtual persona with its own image, feelings, agenda and background story; it all depends on how invested you get on it.

We build our avatars to be the perfect image of that person we wish to be, we cannot be or we wish we will get to be or we used to be -this applies to SL twinks- and we tweak bits and pieces as we go along our second lives; something that also gets built up however is our ego, which I have come to learn for some people, needs to be stroked and pampered properly to get the desire effect, as if it were a penis.

Let's get a few things straight and get the message out there to the millions of second lifers, or social platform users with blogs, profiles, groups or whatever you want to call them. Keep it real, keep it simple, do things because you want to do them and have something to share with people, not to build up your sense of self importance or compensate for a somewhat socially challenged real life.

I joined second life and do most social networks for a simple reason, as of right now; I feel I have something to share, it gives me the chance to explore my talents and dabble on areas that would be impossible for me in real life or would take tremendous effort or a huge financial investment to get me somewhat started or to the point I am now in second life. If you need your ego stroked through appraisal or approval, you need therapy not the internet, so maybe getting a REAL social life would help you work on your issues.

I'll stick to having the one thing that needs stroking, stroked and I'll do that in the privacy of my bedroom with the hot guy I like.

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Nicolas Sarkozy... Not ready to make nice

Cameron has vetoed an essential key EU treaty, so it's not surprising that Nikolas Sarkosy  makes every possible effort to even acknowledge Cameron is there, and let's not mention the fact that The Brits and the French's disliking of each other is historical and somewhat cultural, but one would expect that despite the differences and respective interests, these two would act like reasonable adults -or pretend they are at least, for the cameras-

Apparently even that has proven too difficult, after the French leader gave Cameron the cold shoulder (or le battre froid) after a long night of intense negotiation.
The act, dubbed 'le snub' by The Daily Mail and some other newspapers, saw the French leader refuse to look at Cameron, turning with a haughty shuffle and avoiding his outstretched hand.
Cameron's veto blocked a crucial EU treaty designed to deal with the eurozone crisis. The treaty is now likely to be abandoned, but the 17 eurozone countries will continue to negotiate a separate stability pact and nine of the 10 EU members not in the single currency have chosen to endorse that process.
The UK will be the only EU member left outside the deal -not the first time this happens though, they also refused to use the Euro-, the Council of Europe has indicated, despite earlier suggestions that Sweden, Hungary and the Czech Republic would not take part.
Nicky, whatever gets your point across and makes you happy... c'est la vie!

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

WORLD... meet Blinky

One of those times where reality meets fiction and not the other way around. This rare specimen with three eyes was caught near a Nuclear plant in Córdoba Argentina -not Springfield, that would have been too much-

The reservoir where the three-eyed wolfish was reeled in has hot water from a nearby nuclear facility pumped into it, prompting concern among locals. One of the fishermen, Julián Zmutt told "We were fishing and we got the surprise of getting this rare specimen. As it was dark at that time we did not notice, but then you looked at him with a flashlight and saw that he had a third eye."
Rather unsurprisingly, the fishermen decided not to eat the fish, which is instead to be tested to see whether the mutation actually occurred as a result of something in the water. Time will tell, evolution or mutation?

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Parents urge quick passing of anti-bullying law

Jamie Hubley had plans, he want to start a Rainbow Club at his school to help other students who, much like him felt like outsiders due to their sexual orientation. He killed himself instead becoming the poster child of bullying victims who resort to suicide as the only option.

It was Jamie’s story that prompted Premier Dalton McGuinty to announce legislation last week containing tougher consequences for bullies, including expulsion or counselling . Jamie’s parents, Ottawa city councillor Allan Hubley and his wife, Wendy, were at the Ontario Legislature on Wednesday, where they met with Mr. McGuinty and opposition members to impress upon them the urgency of putting aside their partisan differences and quickly passing the legislation into law. "We lost our boy. They can't bring him back, but there's other kids who are at risk. The longer they take, there's going to be more Jamies." Mr. Hubley told the Globe and The Mail. 

The proposed legislation provides a rare opportunity for the new minority government in Ontario to work together with the Official Opposition. Progressive Conservative education critic Elizabeth Witmer introduced her own anti-bullying private member’s bill the same day the Liberals unveiled their legislation. “Obviously, there are different groups that would like to hijack the agenda,” Mr. Hubley said.“We’re here to say, don’t let them”

Mr. Hubley said he and his wife decided to go public with their son’s story because they did not want to see other teens endure the same experience as their son. Jamie, the middle of three children, was the only openly gay student at A.Y. Jackson Secondary School in Ottawa.

His one big hope, Mr. Hubley said, is that “Jamie’s life wasn’t lost in vain, that some good will come out of this.”

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011


BAM! One day just like that it dawns on you. That person that was just a friend becomes something more, you start noticing things that were there all along right in front of your nose, but for some reason could not see.

Apparently you are the last one to see it too, and that epiphany you are experiencing was a rather obvious fact to everyone around you. So what prevents you from being aware of happiness when it's staring you in the face? is it the refusal of leaving a comfortable situation that has worked well so far? A subconscious fear to change?, I mean all of the ingredients are there but they just didn't add up in your head up until that point.

Let's be reminded that comfort may safe, but also the kiss of death for relationships or friendships, settling for safe is not always the best choice, specially if something amazing awaits for you and you just refuse to take the leap for a number of reasons.

Ralph W Sockman did say once "To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing."

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Clinton, Obama: Stop Gay Discrimination

The Obama admimistration has just declared that it plans to plans to use foreign assistance, international diplomacy and political asylum to promote gay rights abroad.

Both the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during a speech before the U.N. Human Rights Council and President Barack Obama, in a memorandum to Executive departments issued a coordinated denunciation Tuesday of gay discrimination, stating that "equal treatment of gay, lesbian and transgender people is an explicit U.S. Foreign policy goal"

"This is the U.S. government’s first comprehensive strategy to combat sexual orientation-based human rights abuses around the world." the administration added cheered by Gay Rights associations. Wayne Besen, founder of Truth Wins Out, a group that monitors religious organizations with anti-gay views, listed Russia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Uganda, Iran and Zimbabwe among the nations that had recently “declared war on sexual minorities” and said that he hoped they would be chastened by the administration’s blunt talk.
This was one of those times where our nation demonstrated true international leadership and made me incredibly proud to be an American,” Besen said. “There were no carefully crafted and focus grouped code words that sugarcoated the abuses — just the honest truth spoken from the heart.
Jessica Stern, acting director of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission in New York, said the administration was wise not to tie gay rights to the provision or withdrawal of foreign aid because doing so could set lesbian and gay people up as scapegoats. Instead, the U.S. could assist gay rights groups with necessities like rent, salaries or an escape route from persecution, Stern said.
If a grass-roots organization doesn’t have access to government ministers, maybe what they have is the police showing up at their doorstep every day,” she said. “That’s when they need the U.S. government to communicate with their allies in a foreign country, but the question is how to do it right, how can you do it discreetly?

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Kissing Cousins...

There are certain social limits that people do not dare to cross, even in the LGTB community, which is famous -sometimes unjustified at that, our partnerships are known to last longer than the regular ones when we do decide to settle down- from tearing those down.

I was faced today with the ethics of what people would call a "Kissing cousins" situation and let's state clearly I am not referring to myself; I did do a distant cousin a few years back but in my defense, he was hot and I didn't know he existed until we were introduced.

So in a situation such as, two cousins finding each other hot, what are the factors that make the whole thing weird, shunned or frowned upon? the possibility of stupid children?. We all know gay people cannot reproduce -at least not through intercourse- so that is not a factor that should prevent us from enjoying some recreational nudity.

Personally, I don't find any of my close relatives hot, -again distant cousins don't count as close relatives- but how about second life where there are no real blood ties but the bonds we make as we build virtual families? what if two second life cousins start finding each other interesting? should you or anyone try and stop it because the whole situation might be a little weird for everyone? I say whether is real life or second life a couple's happiness falls only on two people and that is the two people involved.

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Belgium’s new gay Socialist premier: Elio Di Rupo

BRUSSELS, Dec 6 – Elio Di Rupo, who becomes Europe’s second openly gay government leader when sworn in on Tuesday as Belgium’s new premier, is a 60-year-old career politician with a storybook background.

Born to an Italian coalminer father and illiterate mother in a 1951 migrant shanty-town, Di Rupo will be the first French-speaking leader of language-divided Belgium in more than 30 years and its first Socialist prime minister in almost four decades.
A statement from Albert II’s palace said late on Monday: “The King this evening received Elio Di Rupo at Belvedere castle and named him prime minister.”
He takes over from Flemish centre-right caretaker premier Yves Leterme after negotiating an end to the longest political impasse in the country’s history – a dubious world record 541 days without a government.
According to a just-released book of interviews, he came out a little by chance in the mid-1990s after being wrongly accused of abuse during the scandal caused by Belgian serial child killer Marc Dutroux.
He is quoted as saying: “‘This is totally false," I said as a crowd of journalists milled around. One of them said: ‘But people say you’re homosexual?’ I turned around and said ‘Yes. So what?’ I’ll never forget that instant. After my reply everything went silent. It was a sincere reply, the truth.’”
Tactically astute, Di Rupo has been hailed for striking coalition deals that kept his party in office in a string of governments. He also successfully steered it through a series of devastating corruption scandals.
But his one black mark is his controversially poor Dutch.
His thick laboured accent is all the talk in the media, particularly after mixing his verbs in a recent speech by calling on Belgians to drink (drinken) when he meant to say it was urgent (dringen) to agree to austerity.
He’s ready to be prime minister, apart from his Dutch,” said the biggest Flemish daily Het Laasste Nieuws.
I’m going to work on it,” Di Rupo promised. “I will reply in Dutch in parliament, even with mistakes.”

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Anti-Bullying Bill 13, Accepting Schools Act, 2011 passed in Canada

Bullying is a crime, and the fact that is not regarded as such or contemplated in law -until now at least in Canada- is a mistake that needs to be fixed, since when a victim of bullying reaches a point where or she takes their own life as a result of this, the words uttered are the weapon used and the criminal remains unpunished, as there is no real law or course of action to address this issue.

But the Canadian Government has decided, after the suicide of Jamie Hubley; son of Allan Hubley, an Ottawa city councillor, to amend its laws and fix this. Now finally, the Ontario government’s planned anti-bullying legislation, the Accepting Schools Act, will mandate consequences — beyond mere suspension — for bullying. The Conservatives want rules for reporting and investigating, plus remedial treatment for bullies, not just a pointless suspension. In some cases, the bully will have to be expelled just to keep victims safe. 

Education is key, and bullies most of the time see suspension as a reward more than a punishment. Social networks and cyber-bullying are the new way of doing this. Pushing and shoving kids at school just don't have the same effect anymore, words spread on social networks such as facebook, twitter and so on do more harm, so even if the Act is enabled, how will this bullying be policed?

Improving education at schools on gay rights and sexual preferences from an early age, without it becoming controversial would bring normalcy to it, something that has been already done in school systems such as Sweden's for the past 30 years.

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Euro Parliament accepts Croatia in the EU with promises to Adopt National Action Plan for Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Rights

BRUSSELS, December 1, 2011    The European Parliament gave the ‘green light’ to the accession of Croatia to the European Union – but with several caveats including one on gay, lesbian and transgender rights.

Among the caveats, the text of the resolution calls on Croatia to combat homophobia and prevent homophobic violence.  The Parliament’s call follows this year’s Pride march in Split, which was subject to violent attacks.

Additionally, the Parliament “urges the Croatian authorities fully to investigate and prosecute the crimes committed and to develop strategies for preventing similar incidents in the future”, and “calls on the Croatian authorities quickly to adopt and implement an action plan against homophobia”. Croatia will be welcome in the European Union in 2013, but until then – and once it has become a Member State – it will need to pay close attention to the rights of minorities,” said Marije Cornelissen, a Dutch MEP and a member of the Intergroup.

While acknowledging Croatia’s preparedness for accession, MEPs invited Zagreb to tackle remaining challenges, especially concerning judicial reform and the fight against corruption and organised crime.
They urge Croatia to step up its efforts to prosecute war crimes, comply with all International Criminal Tribunal recommendations for the former Yugoslavia and encourage the return of war refugees, especially Serbs.

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This Video is being shared on Facebook and other social platforms and I felt I had to share it with all of you.

No words spoken, then again there is really no need for speech as the message is powerful enough as it is. This made me wonder how many kids out there are going through the same situation as Jonah.

I was lucky enough -if you could put it that way- to not ever be the target of bullying, I guess I was too invested on my own thing or really unaware of what was going on around me, but like it has been said too many times before, bullying comes from hate and this one is a result of ignorance.

Know that if you are being the target of bullies, you really do not need to put up with it, report it and like Jonah said in his video, build yourself up but never allow anyone to bring you down, because much like the song says... you're fucking perfect

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Saturday, December 3, 2011


Feet, the lowest part of our anatomy are sensitive and delicate, yet they hold the entire weight of our structure; they require care and attention, something that most of the time we forget to do. But this article is not about feet or toes and how they should be treated -or how some people get off by including them in the foreplay-, this is about the expression “stepping on toes” and the whole ethics on doing so.
step/tread on somebody’s toes
“To say or do something which upsets someone, especially by becoming involved in something which is their responsibility”
This is according to the, it can also involve dating or sleeping with your best friend’s boyfriend or someone he / she likes. So what to do when on a stepping on toes situation that directly involves you? Do you go for it and act on it because you know you will excel at it -this being professionally or romantically-, or is it best to be forever wondering what could have been but wasn’t?
What about in the work place, when you see something is not being done, is costing your company’s money or potential income and you have this brilliant idea that you know for a fact will work and save the day? Is this a toe-less situation as the toes are supposed to be moving or are as a fact, out of the way? I am of the opinion that some fair warning to the parties involved always helps, and if inactivity prevails, then it’s all fair game.


The Second Life addiction, my reply

A close friend fRocky Constantine shares a lot of relevant info and links on facebook, some I find irrelevant, some curious, intriguing and like the one that caused me to write a reply, insulting.
Apparently Tenshi Vielle – founder & former publisher of Shopping Cart Disco -this is way before my time so I have to claim ignorance for not being here- had what I would consider a very very bad experience in second life, which pretty much caused a domino effect on her real life, as she pretty much described it.
Even though I feel for her and everything she went through, pointing fingers at how people use second life is, in my opinion, hardly productive. I do invest my free time on Second life -and a good amount of it-, it has given me much and taken very little; I have had the opportunity to learn how to DJ and be good at it -this is according to people who come to my sets-, it has given me the opportunity to experience parenting -son in the picture-, something I am grateful for every second of both my second life and real life, I have had the joy and privilege of joining the Gay world news staff and being respected for who I am and what I write about -not who I write about or trash about, there’s a nuance right there- as I have learned that words, specially in cyberspace, have weight and importance to many people, and this importance can indeed inflate someone’s ego.
Now sacrificing your real life time, or even your usable employment hours on a virtual platform such as second life, is a crazy notion from the start, unless you are one of the few lucky ones that actually manages to get a grid-wide franchise. I do have a business in-world which generates me some income, but I would never dedicate more than I have to or sacrifice anything from my real life to boost my Second Life -they are very, very separate- that’s simply put, just stupid… and any user with the minimal amount of common sense knows this from the start.
I only speak for myself, but I know that me, like many users have managed to balance both successfully -I work as of today 3 real life jobs and I still find time to juggle Second life-. If one day I can’t log for some reason, because I am too busy or tired, is simply not the end of the world. I find time to socialize in real life, go to concerts, have drinks with friends and yes, tending to your second life family and venues or professional commitments is also possible.
Sorry you had a bad experience Tenshi, but to me statements such as this “Those of you still hanging around Second Life more than 2 hours a day, I would advise you to please consider logging out for a while and doing something else.”, biased and speaking from your own perspective without having contrasted info with others users who do profit from using second life and have a successful real life as well -I can make you a list- is what got you in trouble to begin with
You can read the original article from Tenshi here
